On Wednesday, I did not feel good at all. I had a bad bellyache from eating to much rich food. Therefore, I stayed in bed for nearly the whole day, which was a shame. Since I could have been out fishing again and being a provider! However, it was not too bad because I caught up on my chick flicks. Zulie came down and brought me lunch. She made the snapper I caught yesterday and it was to die for. I swear Zulie could make anything taste good.
While I was catching up on my chick flicks, the rest of the team went fishing. They went on a secluded island to have lunch. They ate their "catch of the day" on an open fire.
Later in the day, I started to feel somewhat better. Therefore, I decided to go fishing off the dock with Francesco. Francesco is the maintenance worker at the house. He has an amazing work ethic and has been doing his job here for a long time.
Sadly, we did not catch anything. However, we had some heart to hearts talking about his life in Belize. He talked about his childhood which was very interesting, It made me appreciate my life in Canada.b
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