We left Patmos at around midnight last night on the Blue Star Ferry.
It was certainly an interesting event!!
We had a late diner on the island and idled down to the wharf at about 10pm to stand with the groups luggage and wait for the ferry to arrive.
It was ready, set, go after the ferry disgorged its trucks, cars, mopeds & passengers, then the race began with many people pushing and shoving, on man kicked Jean's bag twice off the ramp so he could get past, fortunately one of our group was behind her and gave the "kicker" a big piece of his mind; unfortunately I was not in the vicinity as we were separated just after the rush began.
Once on the ferry it was time to stow our big bags and head for the line and wait for cabin numbers and a steward to show us the way.
The Cabins were really nice, small, about the size of our caravan so we felt right at home. Settling down for sleep was more difficult as the engines rumbled in the background and jus a slight rocking of the ship. But time to get up and going came around very quickly, time for a shower and a juice before heading for the line up to fat our luggage and disembark.
Once on the ground at the Piraeus we gathered with all the others from our tour at our bus. We were dropped at the train station and after some coaching about the name of the stations we needed to change at and the color of our line, red, off we went toward the city centre and our Motel. Dud we get lost? No! We arrived safe and sound, booked into the motel and went directly there and slept for about 3 hours.
Later we headed out for a bite to eat and shopping for a couple of new SD cards for our cameras.
We did find a store called Public, which was well presented and sold mobile phones, computers, all things Apple, books and much more. We only bought a couple of note books, no not computers but the kind you write on.
Tonight we are going to dine at the motel on the rooftop garden, and tomorrow we are trying to decide between taking the hop-on, hop-off bus or the train to explore Athens.
Sunday morning at around 10 am Greece time, we fly out to Tel Aviv for our tour in Israel. We are very excited and a little apprehensive at the same time; but after Greece And Turkey we are pretty sure we will be absolutely enjoy our time there.
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