Finally here we are where our tour begins!
It's been a long haul! And we are both exhausted from lack of sleep and the travel, it's fantastic to be here and to know soon we can lay down flat to sleep.
We are met at the airport by Katorina, who is the Greek organizer of our trip, she has organized a bus to take us to the motel and along the way talks to us about her country, she obviously loves it!
The first thing we notice is how dry it is, much like outback OZ, and then we notice the motor scouters parked at the airport, hundreds of them. But then as we travel we notice the busyness and pace of life but also the run down state of some buildings and the graffiti. I guess some things never change or perhaps the economy has been bad for a long long time?.
We arrived at the Crystal City Motel about 3.30pm and when we finally got to our rooms we showered and rinsed clothes and it was time for all the tourers to meet for the welcome meeting. The room was small and stuffy and most were very tired.
We were introduced to Poulis & Maria who are the Officers in charge of developing the Army here in Greece. They spoke about their passion and love for Greece and its people and how God had bought them to this very place and time. They are wonderful people and it is obvious that God has placed His hand upon their lives and ministry.
After this we had our first meal together as a group, but most disappeared soon after eating to catch up on a lot of lost sleep.
Tomorrow starts our first outing to Corinth.... We are very excited!
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