Craig & Jills Round the World Trip
On wednesday we caught the seabus across to North Vancouver to go up Grouse Mountain. We went up most of the way on a cable car which took about 15 swaying minutes to get there. Once there we had unobstructed views as far as the eye could see back across vancouver, out to vancouver island (as far as the washington state US border) and snow capped mountains in the opposire direction. We strolled around taking in huge lungs fulls of mountain crisp air ( you could almost taste the difference from NY city). We saw two grzzly bears and a couple of snow (white) wolves before clmbing the remaining 100m by foot to the peak of grouse mountain 4500ft above sea level right at the top where the ski runs start in winter.
From there we went to Capilano suspension bridge, which takes you across a huge gorge via a few planks of wood held together by rope (made of steel). It was quite scary as it sways a lot, especialy when funny people like Craig try and make it sway even more! We then went for a tree top walk, which was alot more sturdy luckily, but still high up in the huge trees, just like im a celebrity tv show.
Headed back across the river on the seabus, then went for a walk round Gastown, where everything used to be powered by steam, the town clock still is, and hoots for all the tourists every 15 minutes.
Went for a wander around Granville Island, which was nicer than expected, all arty, trendy shops and a nice market. Craig treated us to a really nice meal in pub. Then headed back to the Barclay, luckily got moved to a quieter slightly nicer room, so going to stay put.
Yesterday we went to Richmond for a whale watching boat trip. There are killer whales out at sea at this time if year, so we were hoping to see some of them. We got kitted out in some lovely big tango style suits, with gloves and hats which we were glad off once we set off. We were on a jet boat, which was basically like a big dingy. We went through the canadian gulf islands which had some lovely houses on. After about 90 mins we came across some rocks with some harbour seals on, enjoying the sun. It was great to see these in the wild. We then saw some other wildlife on one of the gulf islands, including a bald eagle (not Craig), bambi like deer and some sheep, wow! We then passed more seals popping there heads out of the water. We were then told the whales had headed out of our range, d'oh. We carried on looking and came across some more rocks with huge sea lions on, they were really funny, all sat posing in the sun and making funny grunting noises. Then came the fun part, Jill was really pleased she had amanged not to be sick on the boat, so decided to get some lunch. On getting something out of the bag she hit her face on the metal bar in front, ouch! No tears, stiff upper lip, until she turned to Craig and saw his face drop! A huge swollen lump had instantly appearred on my face just under my eye, like a true boxer. The boat supplied a wet cloth to help with the swelling. I then had to cling on one handed as we headed back to base crashing over the waves which had now got loads worse, fun! We headed back to Vancover with an ice pack, and decided i better get to a hospital as it was looking a bit bad. Went to walk in clinic who said i needed an xray, so headed to the hospital, where i get an xray and luckily the all clear, no breakages just a big swollen lump and a black eye to look forward to. Headed back to the Barclay and Jill finally gets her wishes and we check out and head to the crown plaza for some home comforts and a comfy bed for the injured victim to rest! A spot of room service and the smile returned. Taking it easy today, Craigs getting some looks off everyone who thinks hes a wife beater! Hoping to meet up with Craigs auntie and uncle who are passing through Vancouver today on there holidays. Hiring a car tomorrow to drive round the rockies for 12 days, so there maybe no updates for a while. Dont worry Craigs got me wrapped in even more cotton wool now!
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