A perfect nights sleep for free! I love freedom camping! We were woken by the revving engines of some of the other campers heading to Picton for early ferries. Ours wasn't until 14.15pm so we could spend the morning in Picton before leaving.
On arriving in Picton, 20 minutes from Collins Memorial car park, we parked up for a wonder. We happened to park outside an Aquarium so we thought we'd at least enquire. It was just opening and the chirpy guy on reception offered us to have a look around for half price each as we were catching the ferry later that day.
We were the only ones in the aquarium for a good hour which was awesome! I was a little sceptical at first about whether it would be worth the 12 dollars each but it was actually so interesting! They had some incredible fish, stingrays, lobsters, starfish you could touch, lizards and even little blue penguins they had rescued after being injured in the recent earthquake. One of the baby penguins rescued had been named Aftershock and was being treated for its broken flipper at the Aquarium before he would be released back into the wild.
At around 11am, the Aquarium tour started. Matt and I were eager beavers right at the front asking all the questions. The tour was surprisingly very intriguing. The guide showed us a native Tuatara lizard that is one of only surviving species from the Dinosaur era. This lizard can live up to 150-200 years old. She got one out to show us as we fired questions at her. At the end of the tour, she fed the Snake Neck turtles and the Red Eared Slider turtles that apparently have a mean bite! Last but not least, she fed the little penguins. It was actually a very enjoyable morning!
We boarded our Inter-islander Ferry at 1.15pm and got ourselves settled with snacks and entertainment for the 3 and a half hour journey. We had the pleasure of a very loud American guy joining our 'quiet area' for what I can only assume was an attempt to chat up two very pretty young girls sat opposite us. He proceeded to shout his conversation with them the ENTIRE journey, I could even hear him over me watching The Kardashian's through my headphones, and that's saying something!
On arriving in Wellington, we were excited to finally be on North Island although we had had the most incredible experience travelling the South. There were surprisingly very few Campsites in Wellington so we decided to head to the Wellington Top 10 campsite. The 'Top 10's' are notoriously expensive but have pretty good facilities and availability. On route we saw our first 'Pak N Save' supermarket which we had been told about as being the cheapest in New Zealand. We piled in for a hefty stock up of goods.
That night, Matt made cooked us a BBQ of sausages and onion at the campsite BBQ while I cleaned and sorted the camper. We sat together while the sun was setting with our hotdogs and cider. Another brilliant day, I was looking forward to seeing what Wellington had to offer tomorrow!
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