Well after 4 weeks in NZ left for Oz. Views on NZ
We found the NZ people extremely friendly.
We underestimated the distances we had to drive - if we did it again we would plan 3 nights at each location, the roads are nearly all single carriage ways so overtaking has to wait till road is straight or there is a special passing lane.
The economy is agricultural - even TV adverts feature selling Tractors.
The vegetation is surprisingly tropical and has a jungle feeling with its palms , ropes trees and the dense undergrowth.
Towns seem like middle America with bungalows and US type road signs.
Our flight from Christchurch to Sydney was great as it was clear day and we flew over Mount Cook and its related ranges.
Got into Sydney and taxi to Shangri La Hotel. The Hotel when viewed from the waterfront seems to be set back behind other high rise buildings, but due to the architecture each room has a harbour view, but our room 911 and I guess any floor up to 36 on in room 11 or 12, has a fantastic view of the Harbour Bridge, the Opera House and the Ferry terminal.
A problem for Aus at the moment , as we have discovered ourselves , is the exchange rate - whereas normally it is 2.4 dollars to the pound, it is now 2 dollars to the pound - so there has been a dramatic drop in tourists to Oz. Also house prices have doubled in the five years Greg and Liz have been here , so whilst house prices were very good for immigrants from UK, now prices are very similar to UK.
On our first day we caught the ferry to Watson's Bay. As Peg takes a bit longer than me, I usually fill her small water bottles up for her- there was only one around which already was a third full so I just topped it up with water. We walked around Watson's Bay and sat on some rocks in the fine temp of 26c watching people swimming and sunbathing. I had a drink of my sparkling water and Peg had a drink of her still water- she immediately coughed and spluttered . Taste this she said. When we left NZ I had poured the remnants of a gin bottle into a plastic bottle and you guessed it, that was the bottle I filled up with water - Peg had Gin and water to drink!!
Unfortunately, although our lunch at the time seemed very good at Doyles fish resto in Watson's Bay, there was one piece of calamari that did not taste too good to me, the result was the next two days I hardly ate and for 24 hours had a temperature. So all our plans for Sydney fell apart. We did however go on the monorail, walked around Chinatown, the Botanical Gardens and the Opera House. The Chinese Gardens were particularly fine being an oasis of calm and tranquility in a busy city.
We left Friday for our 5 hour flight to Perth - Peg was upset that the Business Lounge bar was not open at 11-00am! Clear flight across Oz. and landed 10 minutes early. Greg had taken a day off work to come to the airport to meet and greet us and help us drive to their house. People who know the family will not be surprised to know that despite this Greg was late, so we already had the rental car and 3 out of our 4 bags - the fourth being one of the last off the plane. The amusing bit to add that Greg also got lost in trying to find the scenic route. I suddenly noted I was driving down the same road that I had done 5 minutes earlier!
We all six had a quiet bite outside in the evening and with the time difference P and I were ready for bed at 10-30pm.
Now Saturday and I have to wait an anxious 24 hours to find out WRFC v Tigers score !!
Liz working at the Library this morning and I am using time to update the site.
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