I have had a slow and quiet week in Sydney. I did however manage to catch up with friends of mine Barbara and her son Daniel. Daniel was 5 when I last saw him and he is now 11 years old. What a difference time makes J. I spent 2 days with them and it was great to catch up. Barbara also has 2 wonderful dogs and Mason is particularly cute as he is rather large and loves hugs and being cuddled. I also managed to catch up with Sean. Whilst in Vietnam Sean and I got hooked on a series called Entourage (Produced by Mark Whalberg) Well Sean bought the DVD and so I had to watch all 8 episodes. I don’t know why but I really like the series but have not seen it on tv here or in SA. I’m off to Buenos Aires in a few hours and have tried to get my journal up to date whilst broadband is free.
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