We got back to Sydney for Christmas and had a wonderful Christmas with Simon’s folks. They made us feel part of the family and they are just wonderful people. On Boxing day we started it with a run and a swim and then we went up to friends of Simons. They have a ski boat and Simon had organized for us to go skiing. We had a very early start the next morning(04:00 wake-up call). This was so that we could be on the water when the sun came up and the water was still smooth like glass. We had a great morning skiing and both Anna & I managed slalom skiing on the bar and almost got it on the rope as well. If only we had more days to go skiing to master it. Oh well, next time. The next few days we managed to meet up with friends from our previous tours, Sean, Lucy, Marcie & Arron. We got to see Paris Hilton at Icebergs on Bondi, go for runs, swims and got a great mountain bike ride in as well. New Years eve we went top Simons folks and saw both fireworks displays. Simon’s folk’s balcony gives you a view of 3 firework barges. We had a great night eating drinking and dancing & watching fireworks. Anna left for Paris on the 1st and I went to South Africa.
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