We stayed 8 nights in BA and camera charger didnt arrive so i got another one and we left the city.
We are 14 hours west of B.A in a city called Mendoza. On day one we walked all around town and through a massive park in the middle of the city. Mendoza is more like a big town then a city. Very nice town. On our walk we went to a zoo. Now... at zoo´s you expect to see the normal...mass amounts of birds, monkeys afew big cats if your lucky. We saw polar bears!!! The excitment didnt last long tho because they we in an enclosure that was reeeealllllly small with a pond the size of a bath tub. I hate zoo´s!!! The cats were in tiny cages...i dont know what i was expecting. It wasnt fun.
On day 2 we did a tour. We took a bus about an hour into the mountains and hired bikes. The view of the snow capped mountains was amazing. We cycled through the wine vineyards, learning about wine and pretending i knew the difference when testing them. Our last stop was choclate!!! It was a family run business and they did choc liquors but reeeeaaalllly nice choc liquours. We cycled nearly 30k, it was a really good day. We were with acouple called Elaine&Bevan alday so in the eve we went to town and had afew more drinks. Very drunk, i got lost and because our hostel is new none of the taxi drivers knew where it was. In the end acouple of waiters from a resturant helped me (i was in tears). I was sooooo pleased to be home!
Id like to say my Spanish is coming along well....but it isnt. Sad thing is im trying really hard to learn. Acouple of days ago a man bumped into me and said sorry i replied "your welcome" in spanish. Lol made me laugh.
It is nice to be out of the city. I wasnt fussed about coming to Mendoza but Leanne was keen. Im glad we came, it was worth the detour across Argentina.
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