We were abit naughty and went all out for the bus journey from Igauzu to Buenos Aires. Our leather seats reclined fully, we got dinner and breakfast on the bus, movies, blankets&pillows. Best nights sleep ive had for a while! Best 46pound ive spent on travel.
Buenos Aires has a Euro vibe to it, very pretty and lots going on. If New York and Paris were merged into one would look alot like BA. Smells of bakers as they are on every corner. Our first day we wondered around the historical side of the city. Pretty markets with the handmade everything. Beautiful handmade jewelry...dangerous! In the eve we decided to snazz up our noodles by adding salad (exciting stuff!!) I got a tomato, a forst of celery,avacado (the size of a rugby ball) pepper and onion and basil for less then 2pound. Turned out to be a very nice dinner. After we went on a pub crawl organised by our hostel with 3 lads from up north.
Today being Leannes birthday we went shopping...i was supervising not shopping!! We went into the centre of BA. I brt a watch and hair conditioner. Justified because they are a necessity (almost as much as my sarongs) When im sleeping in a bus shelter eating dry noodles from the packet because i cant afford to buy water its fine...because il have nice hair and il be able to tell how long ive been cold and hungry for!! (",)
For leannes birthday we went out for a steak dinner. Im not a huge fan of steak but it was lush. We are like a married couple, we share meals. Bicker over whos gona do the washing up. We take it in turns to have the window seat on bus journeys...all very sweet lol. Last night leanne watched the football while i cooked dinner...routine im used to haha.
Today i took my cast off...its swallon and gets blacker the more i move it. Being the hyperchonriac (bad spelling) that i am... im sure it means my arm is gna fall off and im going to die?!?!?!?! Nah im trying not to be a fairy...but cast is going back on for another week.
Volunteered yesterday...the conditions these people lived in are horrible. Real eye opener. A particular project feed 120 families a week and are in the process of building an apartment block that will house 33 families. To earn a room in the block you have to contribute to somehow i.e buidling,admin,fund raising, protests (alot of protests in BA) etc. Ive never experienced anything like it...takes team work to a whole new level. Amazing.
I have wrote alot of crap on BA so last paragraph i promise. Tonight we did tango was sooooooooooooooo much fun i loved it and would def do more if we were here longer. Tomoro night we have a big girly night planned in BA. I can see why people stay months at a time in BA, we planned 3 nights and are staying over a week (mainly due to camera charger not arriving yet and a football came on sunday). Peace out
BA overlal rating....ummmmm.....8.7
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