My god I miss sleep! Today is a sea day which means last night the kids had the freedom to be out as long as they wanted. Boo was home around 12, Fid a little after 1am. I crashed soon after Gab escorted me back from the Irish pub :) I woke to Gab's alarm going off for some ungodly reason. It turns out she had a perfectly valid one though, we had Boo booked for the Princess Gathering in the atrium in half an hour. My sleepyhead demanded more, the pang of guilt screaming at me that these are the reasons we're here won though and out of bed I fell. Amazingly Gab had all four of us front and centre in the atrium just 26 minutes later.
Fid & Boo met Cinderella, Rapunzel and Boo's favourite - Belle. We were booked for the Anna and Elsa meeting next, Boo lost her stuff when she realised Olaf would be there too. On this cruise last year what I just described would have been two or more hours of my day in queues, this year they've implemented a ticketing system which means none of this involved queueing - FANTASTIC!
The post princess breakfast included Boo's favourite breakfast to look at (she can't actually eat them though she tries every time she has the opportunity) Mickey Waffles! Fid clocked his watch every second tick of the minute hand while Gab and I enjoyed a game of confected restrictions to hold the kids with us at breakfast until they were fit to burst. Eventually the kids were away to their respective kids clubs. Gab and I went to investigate what our cabin looks like mid-morning - I slept through most of the investigation, carbs you know, and woke just in time for our agreed lunch date with the kids at 1pm.
Well lunch with one kid, Fid either invented an elaborate story about the sacrifice of waiting for his parents whilst gnawing on fists of raw kale in the half an hour from his expected 12:30 meeting and our actual 1pm arrival, or he simply stayed in the Edge - only his conscience knows. Boo did meet us for lunch though, but even she spent all of the time complaining that we were keeping her from her friends. The hint firmly taken Gab and I released her to the clearly more important things and headed off to see the latest Avengers film.
Captain America assembled his new Avengers just in time for Gab and I to venture to the decks and see that the clouds that we'd survived all day had turned to rain. It's 18c, raining, and save the two or three die hards in the jacuzzi - everyone else seems to have embraced the weather. Gab and I met kids in the room to get set for our first ever formal night at sea where our dress matched the weather.
We had the planned family photo before dinner, but both kids were AWOL by the end of the meal so no more photos today. Boo was busting to see the girls from our dinner table tonight while Fid was just as eager to put this silly meal behind him and return to the important business of dominating the crew at Edge.
We're in Copenhagen tomorrow so tonight is an early night for us with the kids on a 9:30 curfew. It's 10pm now, the sun is still a good 8-10 degrees above the horizon sleep beckons and tomorrow - Denmark!
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