Having been whitewater rafting a couple of times before in NZ and Canada and thourougly enjoying it we have always been left with the feeling that it was tamed a bit for the average tourist hence the decsion to go on the Xtreme tour on Australia's supposed river to raft the Tully with a mob called 'Rafting Thunder'
I guess the nerves kicked in when we realised that we were 30 years older then the next person when we boarded the bus to head up to the river. There were 4 rafts of 6 people. Our boat consisted of a German, Frenchman, Englishman, Czech and the 2 of us. After being kitted out and some brief instruction we were straight into the 4 hour ride (about 12km, 22 sets of up to grade 4 rapids)
It soon became clear that previous rafting trips were only kids play compared to this one as we encountered rapids one after the other without a moment to catch your breath with names like 'theatre, staircase, corkscrew, killer falls, minefield etc etc
Our guide Callum skillfully sent us sideways backwards and even bodysurfing down through these sets. Often we would crash through wave 2 metres high just about sinking the raft then regroup to do it all again. We had to watch out for large rocks and move from one side of the raft to the other quickly so we could squeeze through impossible looking gaps at speed
There were stops along the way to climb rock ledges along the river about 5 metres high and fling yourself off of them then ride down the stream to be rescused by a rope further down
There was a lunch stop 1/2 way for a BBQ then off again. The second 1/2 was a bit easier then the first bit but we did get sucked back into a whirlpool just after a large drop and the English guy and myself got sucked into the water and pushed right down with the weight of the fall. I was under for quite a while fighting to get away from the power of the water and came up downstream just in time. Got a bit banged up but nothing too serious. Susie managed to come away unscathed other than sore arms from the paddles
Then it was back to the local pub for a few ales then home. A great experience. It was the real thing and we are both glad we did it. A real buzz. Hope you like the photos. The facial expressions do tell a story
- comments
Steve and Deb White water photos are priceless, Mike. Susie, you are my hero. Amazing courage, or was it a weak moment?
Nicole Quinlan good on you both. What an adventure you're both having. xx