haha hendy, I did get that sort of interview process for pwc. They also wanted me to sit two numerical tests cos the cldnt make their mind up the initial time. n the group thing was horrible. mmh, youll do well tho. cmon if a daftie like me can get a job with the likes of pwc, you defo have no problems then. the stiffer the competition the better the job i guess. Regarding the Ramsay street thing bruv, ye i knew that too. Tho you should go to the street and see if you can bump into the cast when they are filming there. that wld be mega mega mega cool. x
James The Dado!
Yip James the mightly hibees humbling the measly tic at home. With bellamy and sutton out celtic look like a team of old age pensioners. Three games left and all to play for! Looking at flat through in Edinburgh cos travelling on da bus is depressing me. Say hi to all the estranged tbsers out in ozland.
James the Dado
yes i am indeed in the land of kangeroos- have not seen any of them as of yet, considering im in the city. u dont see haggis running about glasgow as soon as u step out of queen street i suppose. u have to go to the country to see them in their natural habitat. i do sometimes read modern popular fiction as a break from the classics when i get a chance- i like to keep my literal intake varied. hendy- did u actually read the book, or did u listen to on audiotape as u normally do- u know thats cheating, and doesnt help with ur reading skills. anyway, ive not planned anything for the next wee while yet, gonna look into things today- but gotta decide to go east or west coast. incidentily, i hear that ramsay street isnt actually mythical at all- and is actually a real habited street somewhere, with real people living in it! they just take outside shots, and the rest is in a studio. its visitable- but u just see average people living in joe mangle's house (or am i a bit out of date with my neighbours characters?) apparently its quite funny. btw hendy- i was going down a market st in hong kong 2 days ago- and i heard this wee tune, and it seemed to spark some kind of memory in my head. i turned the corner and i see one of those wee f*cker things that we kept seeing in eastern europe, that plays that annoying vengaboys tune (remember the one in sarejavio that i was about to volley right up the steet...)! i had a chuckle to myself- and some people around looked at me strangely. as for the tax paying boys- howz the jobs going? have u now sold the station stuart and working with the new owners? what happened with the flat btw, did u get another tennant? billy boy james- i saw this weekends results, but we're just getting u excited by letting u think ur back in the race for the title so dont get too excited. i can receive emails btw- so u dont need to put everything up on this message board so it is read by all and sundry. incidently melbourne seems nice- not seen much out of the centre yet, but itll take me a while to get used to here having been in asia. went from hong kong (one of the most densely populated places in the world- nearly 8 million people) to one of the least densely! so just getting used to the fact that u dont actually have to use ur elbows to barge people out the way, and that its also unaceptable practise to queue jump constantly. cya later.
James Henderson
I didn't know you had read The Curious Incident Of the Dog In The Night-Time by Mark Haddon. Good book with some very clever touches.
So now you are in Oz. I take it is now late Autumn there? Whats on the travel agenda? I have started thinking about destinations such as Ayres rock, Sydney, Canberra, and of course the mythical Ramsey Street, Erinsbourgh.
Did you check the region settings on the DVD's btw. I think Asia is region 5, and Europe is region 2.
I am still having grief from one particular french multinational who, are comprehensive application form, Technical and HR interview, assessment centre with HR interview, Technical paper, team games, numerical, verbal, and pattern recognition tests, they want one more interview before they make their mind up.
Surely no one else has this kind of interview process. I feel like I am in the Apprentice.
Everyone else keepig busy?
ive managed to change continents b4 anyone else has managed to get a post in since my hong kong one. im in melbourne in australia- just arrived from the airport and its early in the morning. it seems like it was raining overnight and its quite cool here. not much time just now, but ill post later.
leaving hong kong tonight- bumming around b4 getting my planeto melbourne. from now on im not commenting on any pictures on the site- ur all having fun interpreting them urself. i posted a package today back to the house, its gone by sea so it'll probably take a while. itcanbe opened- my 50p dvds from china are in it which someone can try out. however theres another package of stuff inside, which has stuff i want to be left until i get home- so keep ur grubby mitts off it. anyway- if any of u have seen i,robot- where will smith is in the bar nad he just places his hand or a wee card on a scanner thing and it chargers his bill to him- well they have something like that here. u buy this card thing and charge it up with money- and then u can use it all over the place by just scanning it on a wee scanner. undergroud, buses, trains, ferries, grocery shops, cinema, vending machines, etc- quite cool. can just put it in ur bag or inside ur walet- and just place that over the scanner and it works right thro the material. something first bus could implement since its taking over the entire transport network at home. also something else thats quite cool- they have an in town checkin for the airport- where u can checkin ur luggage at any time on the day of ur departure in the town centre rather than the airport, then do what u want all day, and ur luggage is taken to the plane and u can justr turn up at the airport for departure 15 mins b4 boarding time on a mega fast train. and we dont even have a bloddy train link to glasgow airport!
ok so everyone keeps asking me how you are and no matter how much i tell them of your wee site, they still always ask me. so, im told to send wishes to you from neil, gary, susan, liam, faryma, jill, phil and dave. im sure you kno who half these people are, honestly. ok so, studying aint going well. ive been overtaken by the worryingly lazy student life. It is honours maths n stats, n dont even go there with acc. Oh, regarding the risk exam, its on the Sudan 1 food colourant. Any suggestions on how to approach studying for it then ?
keep having fun, im so jealous of u,
lea x
Never mind yapping about smoking and cut fingers - refer Picture Cell B7 of your China Worksheet - did you manage to chat up the blonde dame on the right hand side?
Wow - Mum's observation skills/antennae for detecting ailments are obviously better than mine - I didn't even notice the plaster! Is it to cover up the nicotine stains after all those "peace pipes" (that's a good one; calling it a "peace pipe" - sounds like the holy version of "big f**k-off homemade bong") Although, if we're going to start play "spot the difference" the other things I did notice in those photos were: a) you're wearing a wooden bead bracelet. Very "Richard from The Beach"; although you do know that you can get them in TopMan in Argyle St for £1.50?...and...b) is that the beginnings of a goatee you've got there? If so, it's probably better that you don't have regular access to a shaver for fear of over-cultivation and therefore looking like "Craaaiiiig Daaaaavvvvid"...
well, for the record, its not a wooden straw that im 'drinking' out of- and the white cloudy stuff is not steam. local customs- would u miss out a peace pipe if an american idian passed u it to u in his village? mum- yep i got a small cut on my finger- do u fancy taking a flight to hong kong 2moro with a bottle of tcp and a cotton bud to clean it? i think u might have some kind of over protective autism, like the we guy in that curious incident of the dog in the nighttime- when u look at an image rather than seeing the whole picture as anyone else would, ur mind automatically searches for any evidence of a possible aillment i might have, something that no one else would even notice.
anyway, im still in hong kong and its pretty good- but more expensive than china, but still cheap compared to home. im heading to melbourne 2moro (sat) and meeting some of the tbsers b4 working out what i doing out there. asia has been good, but im ready for moving continent for steaks and bbqs rather than random things in wee slimey white sacks (won ton and all that).
hendy, that must be a record for a chemical engineer- i never thought any of them knew as many as 44,000 words, or did u just write propane and butane thousands of times?! thats pretty good tho that thats u finishing up- will have to take time out to bum like the best of them (ie the administrator)- or did u get a job lined up? i guess u can fly via hong kong to australia- but id probably do bangkok, and the few days into cambodia instead as it's a better experience. this is pretty cool with all the skyscrapers n that, but its not really proper asia. also u could probably get 10 days in thailand and cambodia with travel for the same price as half the days here.
everyone else, i hope sunny glasgow is treating u well- has anyone taken out the trusty old bbq yet, or has that old tradition died without the master chef? seve- i hope the studying is going well- that tbs prize is waiting to move onto a new holder, unlike the spl title... also i hear the 'welsh larson' has pull his hamstring and is out for a while- but i suppose the league is wrapped up, and they may as well just do the presentation of the spl cup while the weather is good.
anyway, au reviour pour maintanaint, or something spelt like that.
Mum here. Regarding the photograph of you drinking something hot:I have come to the conclusion that it's better I don't know what it is that you're drinking or smoking!!!. To quote the saying on the 'fridge magnet' you brought me back from U.S. , to ' see everything, hear everything but SAY NOTHING! So I'm saying nothing!! What happened to your finger? Noticed you had a plaster on it? You mentioned in your last message you were heading to Macau. What's it like ? Prob. expensive!Have you any travelling companions or are you on your own again ?You are prob. saying to yourself ' Here she goes again ! All these questions! Only curious! Advisors in school just now . Had a marathon round two days ago. Three and a half hour grilling ! Another round tomorrow afternoon with another one. Getting used to it now! I'll be hitting the bottle this week-end ! Enjoying the banter on this site. I log in every day.Enjoyed your photos. Rice field pics great. When advisors leave I'm going to try to get onto your site so that the kids can see your pics. They like to follow your route. One wee girl keeps bringing me the globe and asks me to point out where you are now.Good learning outcomes for them. They never will see rice fields or the like and it's interesting for them to track your journey.Art dept. prob. interested in pics of temples. Amazing places! Nothing to compare with them in this part of the world!Well I'd better sign off. Sending some cash through MC's internet account to help finance some of your next month's food bill to keep you from eating any strange species! Have some steaks on us when you reach Aussie! MC, by the way has got herself another car at the auctions-a rover.Alan sold hers at the auction tonight and she was very sad to see it go! She's missing it very much ,being her first car & finding this one a bit different to drive. Says it'll take her a while to get used to it.So she's totally rooked now! No more travelling for her!Any chance you'll be able to give us a call when you reach Australia? That is if it's not too dear from public phone booths!If it is, just keep e-mailing or sending messages via this board. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Take care!Look after yourself! mum
Hey Hendy, the end is nigh then? Enjoy the last few weeks of being a styeuwwdantt cos your Freedometer will soon begin its inexorable countdown towards time and financial entrapment via jobs/cars/mortgages/tax/pensions/student loan repayments!! (Unless you're Jimbo that is) Cynical and jealous, moi?!? So Jimbo, do you want to put an end to the debate: what exactly are you doing in the photos from Vietnam entitled "Getting Involved in Local Customs" - we have two theories doing the rounds here: Mum's is that you're "drinking something really hot out of a big long straw", whereas my theory is different, given the surrounding evidence. Can you give us a bit more detail about that particular custom please as we are all intrigued (if it is in fact Dog Soup that you're drinking then I don't want to know)...