Hi !Chief administrator,Barbecue King or whatever other name you wish to be known by!
Weather here has taken a turn for the better and we have seen the sun for a few days now! It's also the last term of school so some outings planned.The end is nearly nigh also for Leanne's exams!Tomorrow she finishes!Thank God! It's been a long four years or should I say seven, since the days of her Standard Grades!Tonight she plans an all-nighter as it's Stats. tomorrow and she says she has still loads to look over.She expects it to be a stinker! Looks 'gobbeldy****' to me when I see what she's pouring over! Well enough of what's going on here!How's the food and accomodation with you! Haven't heard much from you on that front ! Are you doing lots of touring around? When do you expect to be at Veneet's? How are you finding the cost of living in Aussie -land. The kids in S.5/6 were looking at your site today. They are certainly learning more about Geography these days. Each day the first years come to class, they ask me to bring up your message board to see if you have moved! They love to watch the red flashing square!They are interested in all your postcards . They particularly liked the one of Fraser island beach scene today! They want to send you a message so one of these days you'll probably receive one! The atlases and globe are looked at every day! Ed in Dad's work has copied some of your postcards and enlarged them so that I can do a wall display out in the corridor.All my classes now know about your travels and it's becoming a great talking point! We're looking forward to more pics. How long now is it until you meet up with your TBS mates again? Are you not missing some company or do you meet other travelling companions each day? Let's know what it's like out there so that the kids can get ideas about what to ask you about (things like the spiders etc. Are they as large as what people say?) They want to know how you find it out there! It's a real education for them and gives them somrthing else to talk about rather than what happened up' their bit' at the week-end!Well, I'll sign off the noo! Hoping to hear more from you soon. Keep well and safe! Love mum
The Poohs
Yes James the colours in the rivers etc are pretty amazing.
With all the activity in Oz you might want to settle down there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Better not mention it to Mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As you are having mixed weather the weather here is good, 16 degrees, cool by Aussie standards.
At least you are lucky being in touch most of the time.
Watch out for that Steve Irwin, I think he has a deathwish or at least a laceration-wish. He's on American tv all the time picking up snakes with his bare hands... I know what Granny would call him. Starts with "crazy--"...
hello everyone who is on the board now. ive been out of all reaches of modern communication over the last few days having been on frazer island off the coast of australia. it was really pretty amazing, although the weather was a bit rubbish for the first 2 days, yesterday was really nice. did loads of swimming in all these different coloured lakes, and walked about the rainforest in the middle of the island. im now on the mainland, in a place called noosa, the weather is good again. sue, if u read this, or it is passed over the garden fence, then ive been in and out of all the places u've mentioned- stayed at rainbow beach before going out to frazer, then at noosa- while i'll probably pass thro gympie 2moro. thinking about going to australia zoo 2moro to see crocs and maybe steve irwin...
How's it going? Haven't heard from you now for a few days! Are you too busy enjoying life there on Fraser Island? Have you met up wth anyone? Was talking to Granny's neighbour's daughter-Kathleen Gallacher(nee Creane)Mrs Creane below Granny, and her daughter is out in Fraser Island just now working. She finished her degree same time as you and went out to Oz. backpacking too. she has met up with some others and is soon moving on .You never know you prob. bump into the odd Scot! Leanne in middle of exams just now! Hard going for her! Weather improving-actually quite warm! Hope you can soon post us a message to let us know how you are. Take care.Mum
The Poohs
Yes James as Mari Clare says, we think Mother is on commision.
Mary was down at Granny McC's today and she told her that I had a good long read of the posts, Mary is still to get around to them.
Hope you are having a great time.
Marii Clare, Veneet will be having the time of his life there. A friend of Mary Frances's was sent to Sydney with PWC and she had a great time, worked hard and played hard. MF was out seeing her last year.
Pity Mum isn't on some commission structure with OffExploring.com, i.e. more unique hits on Jimbo's website from lots of different people = more dolla...Hi Suzanne, Hi Pat & Mary, Hi Sue and hello to Baby Explorer himself, wee Andrew. Well, Jimbo, I hear you've been snorkelling with turtles and fish that you would normally only see in aquariums - hopefully now that you've reacquainted yourself with your marine side you'll eventually get that bl**dy BiOrb aquarium up and running again when you get home - I didn't buy it as a substitute TV for Wills to entertain himself with to the point of scaring-fish-literally-to-death, you know...Veneet copied me in on that email he sent to you, so it's probably best to phone/text him on your way to Sydney to make sure that he's actually in when you arrive (I think he's just conjuring up this image of him as a new-boy-about-town social butterfly to make people think accountants do actually have a life)... :-)
Sue(The Gympie Girl)
Hi James, I was talking to your folks this afternoon and they tell me that you are now on my old stamping ground! I was born in that fantastic metropolis called Gympie; blink and you're through it. I spent all my holidays in Noosa heads that is until it got too commercialized and the we switched to rainbow Beach. Fraser Island was famous until the 70's for its logs then the island was declared a heritage site or similiar and no more logging was allowed. The fishing was good off the beach and many an hour was spent waiting for that elusive bite. Have you seen any dolphins or whales yet? My favourite place on Fraser is Elie Creek floating down with the cool water; also the wreck of the Maheno. That boat was built on the Clyde and there's a scale model in the transport museum. Hope you continue to enjoy yourself James; happy trekking. Yvonne Fordyce is also in that neck of the woods with 3 friends in a campervan; so watch out for her. Gregor is in Cairns if you see him tell him we still miss him!!!!! Sue
The Poohs Aka Pat & Mary
James just got around to reading all the comings and goings of everyone. It is certainly the place to catch up with everyone.
El Heffa, still on the bike?
Mother I have just spoken to.
Leanne all the best for the finals.
M. C I can giove you all the phots of this sunny city of Glasgow from on high!!!!!! How is the new car?
James we loved the Barried reef when we were there and it is fantatastic. If you think you might have time I will send you the Wessons phone no. in Sydney if you fancy a chat with Gavin or Michaella, 2 of Marie's family.
You will love Ayers Rock when you get there and make sure you try and get in a visit to Alice Springs it is so different to any place else. It has a charachter all of its own.
Love Pat
Pat & Mary
Hi James.
Just got the address of your site today. Mother late as usual)
We are going to enjoy reading all the messages and make us homesick espically for Aus.
Continue having a fantastic time and think of us poor souls having to put up with teh wind and rain, although today is sunny, dry and very windy.
ive been in cairns for the last couple of days and had some full on adventure days. y'day i went on a crazy wee tour bus thing and we went to the rainforest to swim in waterfalls and creeks, and slide down natural water slides. today i spent the day going out to the barrier reef, and did some amazing snorkling there. it was a good day and the water was really clear- and it was probably one of the best things ive ever done. got to see hundereds of fish and swam around all the coral. i also managed to come across a huge turtle, and swam a few metres above him for about 5 mins. then he came up for air, and stuck his head out the water about 2m from me, and just gave me a wee nod and said 'alright mate'. brilliant. im leaving cairns in a few hours on a late bus to go to frazer island which is south of here. hello traveller wee andy, i hope ur mum n dad have started u ur own airmiles card, and not keeping them all for themselves. u best slow down a bit mate- or u'll have run out of places to go before u even get to school. are u going for the most countries visited by a man in a nappy? anyway, cherio the now.
James Henderson
Since this is the place for all important and perhaps albeit non relevant news, I would just like to announce to the world that my quest to become part of a large evil multinational corporation is at an end. After a very long application process I now have an offer to become a Safety engineer with Total. They are French, so only 4th most evil country (in oil exploitation). Therefore, my future lies in the frozen north of Aberdeen, where I may have to buy some paint, and rule out some of the greyness.