Its 2:42 am as I begin to write this entry. I am on my second print out of my thesis. My thesis which has a word count just short of 44 000 words, and runs to a whopping 291 pages. It has been reformatted three times today, and I'm now rather tired of it all. It has to be bound tomorrow and will cost me the best part of £100. What is it about the few remaining days at University that leads the institution to squeeze as much money as possible from you?
Anyways, glad to see you are alive and well and in a few photos. I see you have even included one of the group, and I commend your bravery.
Life in Glasgow has got rather summery over the past few days with clear skies and good bouts of sunshine. It maybe the two week summer but I intend to enjoy it fully - once this thesis is overwith!!
Hongkong looks cool, will try and arrange my stopover there if I raise sufficent captial to make the trip out.
Mon the tic!
still in hong kong, and have spent a few days bumming around here- its pretty amazing with all the skyscrapers and stuff. having found a decent internet cafe i have spent some significant time getting the website up to date-postcards, photos albums etc- so check out the fruits of my virtual labour. flying to australia on sat night, so still have some time to do stuff around here, and im planning to go to the seperate wee country of macau for a day trip 2moro (kinna monaco type place). staying in youth hostels again- its good. theres plenty to see in hong kong, and its just good to wander about the skyscrapers and shopping streets. more updates of hong kong photos later.
Jimbo, 2 - 1 to the hoops in there own backyard. Petrov with the first then a bit of Bellamy magic. League. Bag. In. The.
Hope all is cool, and i wanna see some Jimbo pictures soon. Seve
Paulo Duncanio
He's German would have done. Anyhoo.................when we getting the next instalment of Jimbolas travels?
Anne-Marie T
Hi lil' cous - hope you're having fun. Great site - Dave's sis and boyfriend have even signed up - you can catch what they're up to at 'Steve & Anne Not in a Van'. One word of advice that I always stick to on holiday - don't get conned into buying something by agreeing to hold it. Vera knows all about that - remember that slice of water melon that cost you £9 in Spain hen? She thought it was free until the vendor started writing the price in the sand with a small machete and then waving it around wildly when vera pretended she didn't understand!
P.S. Message for Suz - we're in to DC on 4th -10th May. Not sure if you can still pick up your mail from GWU.
If you're like "whit?!" at Paulo's post below, then here is the explanation...from some Gers site that Charles (?!) sent on to Alan..."The new Pope is called Joseph, as in Joe, as in Joe 90. His Second name is Ratzinger - if you remove three of the letters, you're left with "Ranger". He's taken the name "Benedict the16th". He's German: So, all in all, we're thinking "Pope Ranger 16-90 - a total Hun". HMMMMMMMM..........
Paulo Duncanio
Oh aye Jimbo, in case you havent heard, the new popes a hun.
Jimbos Dad, Mr B, El Hefe
You think thats bad, I have supposedly extreme Green Party views. And there is now an extreme right of centre Pope who was once a member of the Hitler Youth. The Chinese will soon be building Rovers having duped the Brits (unacceptable face of Communism?) I am confused (or Confucius?)
James Watt
Hendy, the so called 'impartial' website is a fake. No matter whta answers you put in they will always say vote lib dem.
From the eternal sceptic.
hello. well ive spent about 3 yuan readinding all the last posts on the site- all very humourous, glad so many people are joining in. im in yangsho in china the now, and we have been travelling thro the southern region of china for the last week. its been pretty much completely rural places we have been staying, with intermitant power- so as u can guess pay as you go orange sim cards dont work, and easyeverything internet cafes are not on every corner of every rice field. had a good time eating things ive no idea what they are, staying halfway up mountains, participating on jam packed bus rides that have included dogs in sacks, workmen with pick axes and spades and live chickens in wee cages. ive not eaten any dog (yet?)- although my vietnamese tour guide was keen to take me to a place we could eat it. this area of china has really spectacular scenery, and we have just come from the longji rice fields where we stayed for a couple of days which are pretty amazing.
we are staying here for a couple of days, where we get to go on the li river and see the famous image of the old fishermen catching commorants- which is one of these 'things u must do' type things. the city is in a really spectacular setting- right in the middle of all these limestone karst mountains. after this we go to hongkong- where i leave the group on the 24th b4 flaying to melbourne on the 30th. i will have much more time therefore on the net then in hongkong and will probably get a chance to upload my photos n stuff- i appear still to be in cambodia the now.
im afraid i cant get a chance right now to respond to every1s chat, but i will in due course. got to use this valuable internet time to get accomidation in hongkong, so ill be back on soon.
the administrator
hello. well ive spent about 3 yuan readinding all the last posts on the site- all very humourous, glad so many people are joining in. im in yangsho in china the now, and we have been travelling thro the southern region of china for the last week. its been pretty much completely rural places we have been staying, with intermitant power- so as u can guess pay as you go orange sim cards dont work, and easyeverything internet cafes are not on every corner of every rice field. had a good time eating things ive no idea what they are, staying halfway up mountains, participating on jam packed bus rides that have included dogs in sacks, workmen with pick axes and spades and live chickens in wee cages. ive not eaten any dog (yet?)- although my vietnamese tour guide was keen to take me to a place we could eat it. this area of china has really spectacular scenery, and we have just come from the longji rice fields where we stayed for a couple of days which are pretty amazing.
we are staying here for a couple of days, where we get to go on the li river and see the famous image of the old fishermen catching commorants- which is one of these 'things u must do' type things. the city is in a really spectacular setting- right in the middle of all these limestone karst mountains. after this we go to hongkong- where i leave the group on the 24th b4 flaying to melbourne on the 30th. i will have much more time therefore on the net then in hongkong and will probably get a chance to upload my photos n stuff- i appear still to be in cambodia the now.
im afraid i cant get a chance right now to respond to every1s chat, but i will in due course. got to use this valuable internet time to get accomidation in hongkong, so ill be back on soon.
the administrator
James Henderson
To divert the subject from the emergence of, albeit virtual, communication within the Bonner household ( I blame the constant questioning of mothers. It pays to ignore the first question. If you crack there will be countless follow up questions) and fuel the politics debate, Shao pointed out this little nifty site.
It is an impartial website which bases the Tories, Labour, Lib dem, UKIP and Greens. You may be surprised by the result, I wasn't. go the Lib Dems, Happy in 3rd place!