as my flashing dot on my map admits- i'm back in glasgow. and yes, i might be digging out my new zealand thermals again. im at least enjoying the fact that i can get out of the same 2 pairs of trousers ive been in for the last 5 months. was out for a wee bit in glasgow on saturday night- and i see that the neds, as a species, have not died out- and in fact seem to be thriving. i think it would be funny to stick a couple of wee gangs of them in the ngorongoro crater to see how they get on. ive got a pile of photos of africa which i need to get sorted out and put up on the site- i think ive stoped at new zealand at this stage. ive paid for this website for a year- and have up until next march to view and edit it. i wonder if there will be any additional countries before then? i really want to go to see the mountain gorillas in uganda- and i quite fancy south america... and india... and apparently tibet is amazing... (i might need to sell some things first though- so keep an eye out on ebay for a very nice dell laptop, a kilt and silver playstation, a bed etc- they can be sold in one bundle deal. i'll even throw in a couple of pairs of well traveled trousers.)
Welcome to sunny Glasgow Jimbo! Get your thermals out!!! Still not got a job... give it a week and you'll hate being back! Photos are fab!!
The Offexploring Anti-Advertising Police
WTF? Who is Chris the Dancing Monkey? If you're reading this, Chris - I think you'll find that we operate a policy of no-advertising-without-fee. Could you please refer to MC's Virtual PA Services for the appropriate commission structure.
Chris, The Dancing Monkey
Get yer dancing shoes on! join me and my other monkey friends at SOULARIUM, glasgows finest evening of funk/soul related tomfoolery!! This coming thursday we have tunes all night from the so'ularium dj crew (like the so' solid, just with orangey tans) theres going to be live funk from a fantastic band called pimento groove, and the honey sweet voals of ben and hannah sinki. And all this for the bargain basement price of £3!!!! We must be mad!!! Its all happening at The Universal, sauchiehall lane, thurs 25 th august, 10pm till 3 am!!!
cheers for the free advertising james, its bonza!!!
Ah yes - I thought I smelled a rat when "Hendy's mum" was a) referring to her son as "Hendy" in the first instance; b) started off her post with "yeah"; and c) was getting right in2 txt spk lik "ur" n "u"...Your trip sounds great so far Hendy; I especially liked hearing about the joey in its pouch. As for the skydiving wars; you should both check out Google Earth when you come home which uses fantastic satellite images to build up a fully interactive, zoomable model of the Earth - we were able to zoom right in on Veneet's flat's roof in Sydney! Anyway, I made the mistake of showing it to mum by zooming over South Queensferry to see what it would look like from 10,000 feet in the air i.e. what it would look like for Jimbo if he skydived over it and she freaked out. Jimbo: the Serengeti animals sound amazing, although I wouldn't have liked to be the person whose tent was peed on by the zebra. So, have you arranged for anyone to pick you up from the airport on Friday? If your flight gets in at 8.20am perhaps I could pick you up from the airport as I've got an appointment at the Western Infirmary to get my malaria tablets and also to get my fecking BCG again - apparently it didn't work when I got it at school; I suppose I should've guessed this rather than being smug about the fact I didn't have a scar on my arm. However traffic from the airport along the M8 might be choca at that time of the morning so if someone else can do that might be better. Don't know if Leanne's been in touch with you but she's in New York just now, having had her suitcase stolen and then found again. Apparently it fell off the bus she was on and someone picked it up and took it to the police station, which was coincidentally the same police station Leanne was at to report it stolen! So everything's fine now.
James Henderson
Either my mum has gained remarkable powers of internet use and has by a one in a million chance typed in the correct address to navigate to this board - or there is an imposter at large! Just to out do Jimbo I took a 14000 ft tandem skydive this morning. Utterly amazing experience with 60 seconds free fall and reported speeds of 220 km/hr.
Looking at buying a digeredoo now ....
im due to arrive in glasgow at 8.35am on fri from heathrow. my flight no is ba1472.
hello, hello. im in north tanzania just now, just about to cross the border to kenya. spent the last few days camping in the serengeti and ngorongoro crater, which were amazing. the crater in particular is unbelievable- with millions of game just trundleing about- wilderbeast, buffalo, osterich, elephants, zebra, lions, cheetah, jackal, hyena, hippos, antelope, giraffe... havent yet seen a leopard- the only of the big 5 ive not seen, but maybe in thge massai mara. stayed in an amazing campsite on the edge of the crater, which had zebra, buffalo and elephants wandering around our tents at night (a zebra peed on someones tent at night)- while in the serengeti we had hyenas and baboons pottering around at night. anyway, im not gonna do the gorrilas at this point- so im just gonna be getting my sheduled flight home on the 25th- getting to glasgow around 7ish in the morning on the 26th, but i'll let u know when i get to nairobi. cherio.
Mr Bonner
Nice one Mr Henderson - making " free" use of of Jimbos website to communicate to your Mother - a Chemical Engineer with definite Quantity Surveying financial skills - will go far in life - and according to your Mother - exceptional creative and imaginative skills - I am impressed.
Hendy's Mum
yeah, we all know that 'jan' is really just a figment of ur imagination.... Really james, I thought that u would have grown out of this by now...
Jimbo - gonna give us a hint when you are coming home, so that we can get some bread, milk and square sausage in from Asda. If it is later than a Wednesday we miss the "buy one get one free" weekly offers. Also we have rented out your room to five new Celtic players who are here for a short term contract (so they say)
James Henderson
Hey everyone,
Been wandering around Australia's eastern coast for three weeks now doing my thing for Scottish tourism and Ideas Explorers. More photos to come back once i find an upload point btw. Wandered up through Sydney, Newcastle, Port Macquarie, Byron Bay, Brisbane, Noosa, Hervey Bay, Fraser Island, Airlie Beach and the Whit Sunday Islands so far. Due to Jan's attraction to cute marsupilas and the like we have fed kangaroos, petted koala bears, seen crocs - tigers - exotic birds - snakes - the oldest tortoise @ 174 yrs - fed elephants (all at Australia Zoo), and whale and dolphin watched. I've also dragged her out to go canoeing, sea kayaking, treking through the blue mountains and surfing which involves getting wet. She ducked out of snokelling this morning at 6:30 am while we were out at the Whit Sunday islands cruise, but that didn't stop me going in an swallowing several mouthfuls of the pacific in an attempt to get a closer look at the fish.
Back in just over a week, and I get to drag Jan back out the the great barrier reef for a proper snokelling trip while in Cairns. Weather has been great here - clear skies and mid to high 20's - except yesterday where we sat on our yacht playing cards as it pissed down around us.
Hope ur all ok, and Jimbo's not lost in the mists pretending to be sigorney weaver - nasty things tend to happen to her - especially where no one can hear you scream.