Woaffff...controversial one there Mr Duncanio (incidentally, are you happy with a sign-in name that's only 2 letters away from Paulo DiCanio?) Alan is more than welcome to contribute on this board, he's just struggling to get a word in edgeways at the moment... :-)
Paulo Duncanio
Here MC, is Allan not allowed to post on here or are you speaking for the both of yous already?
Jimbos Dad, Mr B, El Heffe
It is not that we do not talk it is more the fact we cant get a chance to express ourselves, with a cat that almost speaks the Queens English and a dear wife who not only kissed the Blarney Stone but SWALLOWED it. However that is one of the pleasures of being married to a teacher, as you will discover over the decades.
Paulo Duncanio
QUOTE....... "it's pretty ironic that it takes Jimbo to travel a couple of thousand miles across the world to foster international communications with the extended Bonner/Jordan/Greene/Turner/Henderson/Watt/Duncan/Severin family & friends network - and the man himself's not even here to reply!!"..........................................Would you look at that, you've found the answer MC, its all Jimbos fault that none of the family talks. I think we should get him banished for good the trouble maker that he is.
Kevin Shao
Got a website link here to (hopefully) settle all the political discussions on this board: www.whoshouldyouvotefor.com Doesn't have the scottish parties, but gives a good indication for the major players.
Wow, Jimbo's going pay the equivalent of a small donkey in dongs or whatever currency he's using just now to sit in an Internet cafe and read all the messages on this board; it's pretty ironic that it takes Jimbo to travel a couple of thousand miles across the world to foster international communications with the extended Bonner/Jordan/Greene/Turner/Henderson/Watt/Duncan/Severin family & friends network - and the man himself's not even here to reply!! And by the way Jimbo, seeing as you're going to miss the election, you might as well tell us who you were going to vote so it gets the proverbial political backs up of at least half the commentators on this board! Oh, and on a political/football note, did you hear that Henrik Larson's being awarded an honorary doctorate from Strathclyde Uni for "his services to Glaswegian and Scottish football" - no joke. Although the Strath Uni spokesperson was keen to point out that this should in no way reflect the footballing persuasion of the University as they "don't want to alienate the 'other half' of the city"...hmmmm....
Leanne totally come over here! I'm bored, obviously on the Internet entirely too much.
hey suzanne, i might be landing on your doorstep sometime in the near future. my exams are all in one week (5 in a week, poo) so im free as of 18th may. thats until i start in pooey PWC..(hopefully) .. leave a key under the doormat for me... Job?? So, you have joined the ranks ofthe evil, working adult popn. Impressive. James, never mind the pictures of people, i want my frog in the piccies! right, im off to get ready to go out ... drinking session in the union.. now thats what i call grasping at the remaining threads of my student life. hmm. oh, and the cat just fell out of his hanging bed.. think he's missing you playing with him, cos all he does now is snooze!
James Watt
Hi Jimbo and everyone else. Like stuart I've not seen the sight for a while and it looks like the websites really catching peoples imagination. All these new names and new debates. Mr B as a fellow cyclist I salute you and welcome to the club! As Seve pointed out in his rather brash manner Celtic are top of the league but it's at the end of the season that counts so don't get too cariried away. (How to you say 'girly hair' in Chinese?) Sorry to here about your monkey James (I think there is potential for a joke but I won't go there as mature adults are also visiting the site). MC you are quite right about the price of weddings what a rip off, buy yourself a car, holiday etc anything but get married!! I need to go before my boss see's I'm not working.
From the skiver
Paulo Duncanio
Aw Jimbo you've had yer monkey stolen?
Ah Well, at the end of the day, you'll be over the moon, to have that monkey off your back.
Stuart Duncan
Here i am again, not been on this in a while since a no longer have broadand in the house. Am not quite following the conversation in here, seems to be about politics and other non jimbo related items. Think i should adopt myself as the message board prefect to make sure the conversations stay in order. Anyway with jimbos travels to the great unknown I participicated in the great glasgow family day out and went to Ikea. I hate that place!!! you get tropped about and have to follow the arrows on the ground otherwise you get lost then you stop and have a bit of lunch then carry on again. Decided thought that they should film people as they attempt to load these massive boxes into the backseat of a nissam micro only to find that the micras boot space is not up to scratch. Anyway so what you up to now then jimbo? i moved out of my flat and now living in your bedroom. Is like happy days with me being the Fonz... heeeyy Mr B. Anyway enough of my pish (you would never guess i was bored at work)
El Heffe
Suzanne Outside Argos it is actually Route 66 stopping at Castlemilk (no kidding) en route to Amarillo, where I met Marie (comeback song - Tony Christie - currently topping the British Charts - no kidding)