I cant believe it! Weve left the sunny land (apart from Melbourne) of Oz and you've all prob missed the defining moment of my life! For once i think i have actually got a tan! This will soon vanish though as New Zealand is cold! by cold i mean more like spring weather back in old blighty! However ive decided that as i dont do hot weather, i should do cold weather and embrace it! Bobby and Dave are more hot weather people so they aint happy with the drop in temp, but im in my white element. Enough nonesence about my so called tan and more bout New Zealand. We are in Christchurch at the moment and as if the weather wasent British enough the town is! Its like little Britain (not the comedy show!) Its basically a version of a british town, with its churches, canals (with punts, ala Cambridge!). However the people seam to be alot more friendly and it all seames quite relaxed. All in all i like the place, ok the weather isnt that great but the place seams really nice and it seams that although not many activities are catered for in the city, they all seam to be a short ride away, so if you like summer sports or winter your catered for. Today we been lookin into campervans, theres loads about and we gonna try get it finally sorted tomorrow. Not really been up to much else apart from that. Hopefully the camper will be sorted tomorrow, although it may spell the end of the blog until we get to the next big town which could be Queenstown.
So until then (maybe!)
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