Were alive! YEAH!!! But only just! Had a bit of a mere on the plane down here to Sydney as there was a bit of a wind on landin which forced the pilot to pull up and try again! This was pretty hairy! But in the end we landed ok! Sydney unlike the north is windy, colder and threatenin rain! Hopefully this will change tomorrow. Glad to finally get out of surfers as i think it was startin to drive us all a bit mad! However the surf lesson was gud and somethin i think Bobby and myself would do again hagan give it a miss). Been for a bit of a wonder about today in Sydney, but was pretty cold due to the wind. Also Saturday seams the day for weddings as on our walk around the parks we saw at least 6! was pretty fed up of walkin round photographers all day!Hopefully we'll be able to do Manly, Blue Mountains and hopefully do the bridge climb (although it is a little expensive!) Hopefully the weather will improve and hopefully we will get some photos on here, or facebook soon! Oh and also England play Australia tonight in the rugby world cup. Hopefully they wont beat us too badly! (although i can see them killin us!) So from a windy, slightly rainy Sydney g'day!
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