On the Sunday we didnt do much as we were all too tired instead we just all crashed out and chilled and watched "My Kitchen Rules" and ate loads of rubbish foods! So Sunday was really boring and nothing interesting...sorry people!!!
On the Monday Louise, Andy and Jen all had work so it was just me and Calum! in the morning we went to the computers and helped look for jobs for Calum! Then we went to meet Louise on her lunch break in Martin's Place which is like the centre of identical!
The church was chilling in the middle giving out free Hot Dogs so we decided to take full advantage of the nice people giving free food out so we all got a lovely hotdog! then me and Calum said goodbye as Louise went back to work and we went to the habour, where we got on a boat and went to Cockatoo Island!
When we got on the boat we were like the only young ones, everyone was really old. so we kinda guessed that it wasnt going to be a cool day out if they were all going to the same place! As we arrived the weather was lush and so warm! We soon found out that Cockatoo Island had a cocktail bar, but our shuts on Mondays :/!!!! We were not amused! so we had a couple of Peronies outside in the nice heat and made friends with these two girls who were just as dissapointed with the island as we were! To make the most of it, me and Calum decided it was probably best to have a little walk round! so we walked round through the underground tunnels which were weird as they had a speaker running through it and it was the sound of a man running? not quite sure on the relavence?
We then came out of the otherside was walked into a Turbine factory that didnt have one single turbine, infact it was just a big empty warehouse with some toilets in! Also what wasnt cool was there wasnt even one Cockatoo on the island!! what the hell?! We then walked back to the other two girls and laughed about how ridiculous the island was. We then decided that it would be a good place to film a blaire witch project but instead there is a giant cockatoo chasing you instead of a witch. YES we were that bored people!
Once leaving the island we met louise at the docking and walked home, on the way home we deiced that for dinner we should try and make Pad Thai! so we went to the supermarket and bought all the ingredients and got home and me, Louise and Calum made chicken and egg Pad Thai! it was so yum!
We then all sat down and watched the Biggest Loser which im so hooked to atm for some reason! Then everyone went to bed early because they had work but me and Calum stayed up and watched some trashy australian TV!
I then went to sleep as i couldnt take anymore of its rubbish acting!
Love to allxxx
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