Ok boys and girls, I hope your sitting comfortably, it's time for the latest instalment of the Ferrant-Bisoce travels (if Paul asks it's Biscoe-Ferrant!!)
So we did the Whitsunday Islands, named by Captin Cook and orginally called White Sundays as he thought he found it on a Sunday but no he was wrong and he changed it to Whitsundays instead!! see we are learning stuff too!!!
Ok so we got the Airlie Beach and I think thats when I gave you the last update. Ok so we got an early night as we had packing and stuff to sort out although the boys went out but they said the place is full of attitude, SHOCK!!
The weather was awful in the morning and someone said the trip may be cancelled, so we started panicking as we had no accomodation for the night and stuff, but it was ok it was on. We all headed to the harbour for 4pm with plenty of beers and goon, the boat was late, they had been painting and putting on a new exhaust so he gave everyone a free scuba dive and a crate of beer for all to share!! We all boarded the boat and we were promptly taught the Pegasus song which goes something like
Pagsus Hot to go - Pegasus Hot to go
H-O-T-T-O-G-O - H-O-T-T-O-G-O
A Say d*** you say BALLS - d*** - BALLS - d*** - BALLS
then you had to wait for a retort usually people just mooned us!! ok so I expect you all to have this song down to a T when I get home you will be tested!!!
So we anchored for abit and we started drinking, I was a little wasted to be fair, it was so hot we were allowed to bring our foam mattresses up on deck to sleep under the stars, I was already alseep when we moved to another spot so we could get to Whitehaven early, I woke up and say 12 and talked non stop for about 2 hours me Paul and the chef whilst everyone else tried to sleep, I then woke Paul up at 4:30am to get our matress downstairs as I had a hunch about marsh flies!!!
Sure enough people wokeup to being biten by Marsh flies evil things they are like nbormal housee flies but like mutant size and they really hurt when they bite and they bite through the stinger suits!!! ok so we oke up and we're all sat on the deck brushing our teeth and we're only in a turtle breeding ground they kept coming up for air then diving back down it was amazing!!! so many of them. So we got ready and got onthe little boat to head for the beach, it was high tide so we couldn't get over to Whitehaven we were on Bettys Beach looking at Whitehaven but it was just as amazing, the sand is so white the pics look like we're stood on a white background. We all doned our stinger suits (very strange everyone dressed head to toe in black wondering around on a fab beach!!!) and we headed into the water, there were loads of stingray swimming around our feet and we were trying to kill as many marsh flies as we could (they can swim you try and drown them and they float to the surfave then just fly off, pure evil I tell ya!!) Adam said he saw a reef shark too!! So we went back to the big boat to move on and we went to a crap beach to snorkel and scuba from, there were so many jelly d=fish it was toally freaking me out, it felt like you had hands full of snot and it just rubbing up against your face!!! these are the ones that down sting but I nearly stood on a blue bottle a very nasty one indeed. Ok so Paul did Scuba in the first group, he said he saw stingrays and some reef and afew fich mainly when they first got in as Joel hid a load of bread in Pats suit hahaha!!! I however snorkeled abit then went back to the beach then got taken back to the main boat as the flies were just everywhere, you could not stand still for having to swat flies ( they leave horrible red bumps all over you) once I got on the big boat I started feeling soooo sick, yes I had sea sickness again not something I normally get but this trip seems to be rife of things happening for the first time so I didn't do my scuba but I've done loads before. Paul came back to the boat as he said the jellyfish freaked him out too. Joel made me a bracelet as he said it was teh best cure for sea sickness basically just taking your mind off it. We moved to calmer seas and anchored for the night. they started with drinking games, I couldn't drink as it made me feel worse but Paul had enough for the both of us!! This Scottish guy got soooo wasted they tried to put him to bed Paul helped and said he was a heavy fella (not in those words though!!) so we were sat around with Joel chatting (Joel owned the boat) he was telling us about the islands we were next to the one Brad and Jen honeymooned on. then we saw loads of vomit up the stairs I told them that guy was gonna boff!!! so we moved to the front of the boat with everyone else and the Scottish guy was boffing up over the side when we heard a splash the t*** only went and jumped into complatly black water you couldn't see a thing, Paul was shouting man over board and trying to shine the torch on him so you could see where he was, he kept going under, Joel dived in after him and the guy was just fighting him and trying to swim off the other came roudn in the little boat and pulled him. Poor Joel swallowed so much water he was being sick for hours after, we just couldnt' believe someone would be so stupid, Joel was explaining at night obviously with no light someone goes under and you've lost them, that's it game over. He told us about another boat they came up one night and asked for the scuba gear, they said they heard a bump and they were a man down, sure enough they found him on the bottom, he bumped his head and fell in. But Joel saved him so everything was good, I went to bed not long after that, people weren't making sense anymore and i had no intention of getting wound up!! Paul follwed an hour or so after.
In the morning you could see all these fish under the boat they called them Madagascan Death fish (don't think they are actually called that though someone mentioned Madagascan Bat fish) well they go mental for bread and pat got in the little boat gave them some bread then just picked one out of the water, they are massive, it wriggled loads slapped him in the face afew times them jumped back in the water it was sooo funny to watch and prob the best hangover cure Pat knows!!! Paul jumped off the side and did a little snorkling although he swallowed loads of water then came back in pretty sharpish. We got back to shore and had to wash everything before we chacked in the boat was full with bed bugs luckily I wasn't to bad Wizzy however was eaten alive the poor thing. We met up with everyone in a bar later for Pizza but they thought 6 Pizza was enough for 24 people!!! not quite!!!
The next day was Australia day and our last day with the boys!!! I got up early spoke to Mum, wandered around bumped into loads of people in town while all the boys were still in bed, i went back to wake Paul up and we went for breakfast. When we got back Andys foot had swelled up he had a blister which had got infested and going in the sea water meant it could be a marine bacterial infection so we decided to get him to a doctors. It wasn't going well he was in a lot of pain and all the doctors were shut, someone gave us a lift then as we got out ah I feel so bad I shut his finger in the sliding door, I'm not allowed to shut doors anymore!! So we got a taxi and got him to hospital where they put him straight in a bed adn gave him some antibiotics via a drip but as they injected them it made him boff and he ebtn his arm with the needle in it, so his left side was ruined bless him. So we got him loads fo drugs, some crutches and got him back into bed, I turned into my mum (as all mums are when someone is sick) and made sure he was taking his pills and eating and that he had everything (not sure if I was being maternal or just really guilty about the finger thing!!!). So we went out for afew drinks for Australia day but we didn't stay out late, saving money and we didn't want Andy sitting in on his own.
The day after we headed for Magnetic Island which I'll tell you all about later!!!
So I hope everyone and everything is good at home, take care and love to all!!! I'll pass you over as Paul wants to say something for once!!!
hey, hows it going everyone, just wanted to say that if any of my family do still actually read the blog then could you start leaving some messages to show that you are, otherwise michelle is threatening to stop writing it, cant have that now can we...!!!!
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