So, its been a while since i last added to my blog - sorry its been a busy time! I spent three days last week staying in a lodge on the Kinabatangan River, and absolutely loved it! saw lots of wildlife, loads of proboscis Monkeys ( which you only get in Borneo) and they're really cool - the males make this weird honking noise, and have huge noses and pot bellies, and look weirdly human! and they can leap huge distances - we just sat and watched them for hours! We saw crocs, and lots of lizards and birds and other monkeys ( macaques and langurs) - and despite the unrelenting rain for nearly the entire trip - really enjoyed it! We we went on a couple of night treks and saw lots of beautiful sleeping birds, as well as scorpions and spiders and various other bugs, and spent the majority of the trek wading through huge swamps which had appeared because of the rain, and pulling leeches off ourselves, but it was good fun. We had a really good group so even in on the two hour boat trip in the pouring rain when all the animals were doing the sensible thing and sheltering, we made the most of it, and still ahd a good time! The first night we were there, there was a local wedding party across the river, and they'd invited all the guests from the lodge to go along. It was the most surreal experience - we got there by boat, and had to balance our way across a very narrow log to get onto the jetty - an interesting start to the night! When we got there, the bride and groom were sitting on thrones on a stage - they looked amazing, surrounded by flowers and a 7 tier wedding cake, and her dress was beautiful - bright green - but they both looked thoroughly miserable! They weren't even holding hands - apparently they sit there for a few hours while people take it in turns to go up and say congratulations and take photos! But when we turned up, the focus was turned onto us! everyone was taking photos of us, we were even led up on stage to have our photos taken with the bride and groom, by most of the wedding party! Was very weird - kind of felt like we were intruding on their wedding, but they all loved it - especially the kids, who dragged us up to do some line dancing, folllowed by a night of crazy malaysian dances, and some cheesy disco moves thrown in by us! Was a great night tho - if a little unexpected!
After the kinabatangan, it was back to work in the lab straight away. The projects all going reasonably ok - I've found a couple of things, but unfortunately a couple of major hiccups ( i.e. my supervisor being completely out of contact so I have no idea quite what I've found, and the DNA extraction kit that I sent being 'misplaced') mean that I've pretty much gone as far as I can go, so am just spending a couple of days finishing up at the lab now! I spent yesterday morning on a wild goose chase round every post office in Sandakan, to be told just 'No' by each one in turn. Despite the fact that I have a post card telling me that they've received a parcel for me, it isn't there. interesting! I will never complain about Royal Mail again - I swear!
So, Christmas! I had a fantastic Christmas, although I missed everyone very much, but as far as an alternative Christmas goes, I don't think it could have been much better! It started a little slowly, with my Christmas Eve meal being the first time I've eaten alone on my whole trip, but then I went up to the resthouse, to see the volunteers, and we decided to go to Melody - a karaoke bar in Sandakan. It was hilarious - songs like Barbie Girl and Gary Barlow's Forever Love came out, and many more terrible songs, but was good fun. We went from there to a 'club' of sorts, although the music would have had Linda complaining to the manager and threatening all sorts of health and safety charges in a shot! Was a good night tho! I woke up on Christmas morning to a call from Tim, which was nice, and then went to have my usual breakfast of noodles and fruit ( Mrs. Lim the owner of the resort is amazed that I'll eat noodles for breakfast - apparently westerners always want toast and eggs, and she's so happy about it that she brings me a huge plate every morning for free!) I then went up to the clinic to help feed the babies (that's baby orangutans - I called them babies to an American guy I met, and he actually thought there was a cage of human babies up there that we go and feed!) anyway, we fed them their bottles and bread and fruit, and had cuddles and then took some of the older ones out on the jungle gym, where they learn to climb and swing. Then I went with all the volunteers to a hot tub (Which is actually cold - thank god as it was 35 degrees all day!) and spent a couple of hours just chilling out there. I didnt have my bikini with me, so just hung my legs in, but then decided I was too hot, and went in in my clothes. Would have been a much better idea if I'd remembered to check my pockets first! I had my pen drive and about 30 RM, which all got soaked, but luckily all seem fine now! Was so nice tho, just enjoying the sun on Christmas day! I spent the afternoon on the jungle gym with the younger orangs, who need a much more careful watch over them, as they try and escape and eat things they shouldnt and juist generally be like naughty children!
In the evening, I went up to the resthouse and had a BBQ with the volunteers - we made a pretty impressive feast between us! The boys had the BBQ (of course!_ and we had BBQ chicken wings, corn on the cob (which was amazing, I'm converted!) burgers, and pasta and sauce and tuna, and the most amazing boiled potatoes ever! then we had huuuge fruit salads and a chocolate cake for pudding - it was so good! After dinner we played table tennis, and John, the gay one (!) did an alternative Queen's speech, which was hilarious - very witty - it must have spent him hours and hours! Spent the rest of the evening watching Anaconda, and Hot Fuzz, and even the highlights of the Queens Speech ( the real one!) and then went home to bed, to chat to everyone in England, who were still in the middle of their Christmas day! All in all, a great Christmas!
Since Christmas, I;ve just been killing time in between my lab visits - went for a walk arounf the rainforest discovery centre yesterday with Luke, my new dormy ( I'm no longer alone!) and went up to the orang feeding platform today. I'm going to the Gomantong Caves tomorrow with the volunteers, and am trying to plan a trip to the Danum Valley for some more wildlife spotting - its really expensive but I figure I'm only here once! Have now booked my flights to Thailand for the 6th January - the end is in sight - can't believe I've nearly finished working with the orangs already - it'll be so sad to leave, but lots to do in Thailand! Anyway, hopefully will have lots to tell you on my next post. I've put up some photos from the river and Christmas with the orangs, and can only apologise for the huge number of animal photos, and in particular all the orands, but they're just so gorgeous! Hope you like them anyway xxxxxxxx
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