Taking the Great Northern Highway we made our way through to Karijini National Park, the journey was pretty tough as the highway just goes on forever and the aircon decided at about 3pm to pump out hot air so arriving a little worse for ware we checked into Dales Gorge Campground and spent the evening with a massive thunder storm over us before it finally decided to reward us with some rain... Ben and I have never been so happy to see rain!!!! The following day we set of for our 3 hour gorge walk which took us past Fortescue Falls and led us through the gorge to Circular Pool , a round cool deep water pool perfect for cooling off after the long hike! With a five hour drive ahead of us we hit the road again, calling in at Tom Price (town) to fill up with petrol, ice and food band finally arriving at our midway point Nanturra Road House a small camping area just off the main highway. Back on the road at 6.30am heading for Exmouth we were both starting to feel a little exasperated by the heat, humidity, flies and the fact that our cool box was not keeping anything cold!
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