Being standard somewhere is all part of the experience apparently, but I'm getting ahead of myself! Sad to leave our little Queen Anne hotel:( been so good to us, and felt like an actual holiday, but it's back to the road for us! Yesterday we organized a pretty descent transfer to florence, in order to meet up with Lara, and apparently the only then we had to do was reserve out German seats once we got to German. So said out north station Belgium train man. So we pack up our things, double check the room, make a quick trip to my new favorite food shop called Exki (a health food store that's just awesome!) and walk to the train station. We easily get to the central transfer and as we have time, Troy goes off to check about reserving our seats. I'm standing by our terminal, waiting, waiting. Our train leaves in 20mins, 15mins, 10mins, 3mins...AGHH where's Troy! And he comes running, and I think we are you to try ad get on but no. The train is completely booked out and we can't get to Munich! And so the plotting begins. The nice man at centra is so good to us, calling up pairs, Frankfort, to try and get us on a sleeper ASAP, but no bingo, they are all booked out, or would cost us 100 euro, which we aren't will/don't have to spend. We end up finding a possibility that means we have 4 transfers this afternoon till this evening, spend the evening chilling out in Zurich train station, then get on a 6am train to Milan, then to florence tomorrow morning! With no other options, we resolve ourselves and commit. The trains are nice and comfortable, so the hours go by without to much to report, we get beers and food at the transfers to occupy ourselves, but otherwise it's rather dull. We get on the next long train and arrive in Zurich train station, finally. We have nothing to do now but sit on the ground, with all of our luggage, and state into oblivion, while still being somewhat alert as to not get beaten or robbed:(
Ps. Our motto for the past 18hrs has been either; "the bilbo I knew loved an adventure", or "IM GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!"
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