Becky Bravo's Adventures
Today begins the first full day of what will be about a full week at sea. I was actually really excited to dive into all my classes and get started to work. Or at least I was until I realized just how much work my classes will be. ;) There is a lot of journal writing and 10 page papers and fun stuff like that. But it is all good because I know I will learn so much and my classes really are amazing. I totally do not mean to sound like a dumb blonde here, but in my Masculinity and Femininity class today, I just realized how truly incredible this trip will be. Not that I thought it was going to be lame or anything, but leaving for Semester At Sea just snuck up on me so quickly and we only had two days at sea before arriving in Puerto Rico, it all just seemed kind of unreal at first. But now that I have been to all my classes and have been signing up for more trips, it really all just hit me today. I was sitting in my classroom looking out the window at the incredibly beautiful view of the water and just realized that what I am doing here is unbelievable. Sorry about going off on that tangent there, but anyways....Tonight is the activities fair where students can sign up for various groups. Apparently there is a choir, and I am so signing up for that, and I am going to start my kickboxing classes. There is also a Spirituality table where people can sign up and start things for their religious holidays, and Bible Studies and so on, so I will definitely check that out too. I really should be doing some readings and homework for my classes, but I figured I would write this blog before I forgot what I wanted to say. I got about 40 minutes before the activities fair starts, so I should really get some reading done. Wish me luck that I am able to concentrate and get my work done with all this stuff going on around me. I really do want to try and keep my 4.0!
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