After Tasmania I flew back to Melbourne with a rough plan in my mind of what I was going to do next and what path I was going to take around Australia; to my dismay all the tours I wanted to go on were all booked up so instead of one day I intended to stay in Melbourne I had 5 days to wait till I could get onto the tour I wanted!
I used my time to do some research on the free internet in the library and got everything sorted for the rest of my Australia trip. I felt a bit guilty spending so much time in the library and not exploring but I felt a lot better once I had got everything sorted! I realised that to see all the things I wanted I really didn't have time to find work a long the way - plus the advice I was getting was that it was really hard to get work so i didn't want to waste any time looking only to get nothing and miss out on travelling. So the credit card has been abused!
I took a trip to Philip Island to see the Penguin Parade where 100's of small penguins (formally known as Fairy penguins) come a shore at dusk and waddle to their nests! They were so lovely and it was great to see (even though it was a little touristy!). The rest of the tour was made up with a stop at a wildlife place where you could feed Wallabies and view Kuala's but to be honest I repfer seeing them in the wild. It chucked down with rain most of the day so I was chuffed I actually got out and done something.
I also took a day trip to St Kilda which is the sea side suburb of Melbourne, the weather was okay so it was quite pleasant. We managed not to pay on the tram as well so bonus! I went with a girl from the hostel called Sarah - it turns out she is doing roughly the same trip as me so I had a travel companion for the next few trips I was on! St Kilda was a bit touristy and had loads of back packers places, it reminded me of Blackpool a bit.
My last day in Melbourne was made up of me making some final arrangements with the free internet and walking round the shops of rainy Melbourne, looking for some more reef flip flops the same as my old ones that got broke!
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