No good adventure starts without a few hiccups... Our flight was delayed an hour, after 14 hours on the plane (the last 4 of which Bec spent in the bathroom driving the porcelin bus) we had to wait in the rain for the "very effecient" airport buses to take us from the tarmac to the terminal for 20min. Our excitement at being at our new destination soon dissipated further when we had to wait over 1 and a half hours to get through customs at Johannesburg, panicing that we may not make our connecting flight to Cape Town.
But alas all was ok and we picked up our bags and made our way outside the international terminal and was instantly bombarded with the locals and their firm requests to help!!!??? It was then we realised that the domestic terminal was a 400m walk outside. So with a firm grip on our bags and a very brisk pace we headed to the domestic terminal. Another delayed flight was waiting for us. An hour and a half later we boarded our Cape Town plane.Eventually 26 hours after we left home we arrived at our accomodation the Cape Victoria Guest House, a gorgeous old colonial house.Tuesday we awoke to be greeted by local flood warnings on the news and torrential rain outside our window. After breakfast we realised walking around town was not an option so we hired a car and set off exploring the local coastline. The stunning scenery that is Cape Town was barely visible through the haze of wind and rain but it cleared in parts allowing us to take some photos and walk around.We explored the picturesque Waterfront area and and upmarket shops of the Victoria and Alfred mall then journeyed down the coast through Camps Bay to Hout Bay then went inland to Constantia passing some interesting "shanty towns" in very close quarters to quality winefields and estates.With the weather forecast not set to improve we were advised that our shark diving was cancelled for the following day with the small hope of maybe going Thursday. Our disappointment was compounded by the fact that table mountain was also closed meaning no abseiling either. Things were not looking good for our time in Cape Town and we had to resort to souveneir shopping and eating.
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