as a compulsory overnight stay on Oz Experience, we get to spend a night at surf I was excited for this adventure..I have always wanted to learn how to surf and since this was included in my bus pass...score! well i didn't exactly mean I wanna learn in pouring down did not stop raining the entire time we were at surf…
Hello and welcome to my travel webpage! I hope that you enjoy all of my entries and photos. I will be updating as much as I can, when I can. I just wanted to create something for everyone to keep track of me with while I am away. Please visit as often as you would like, leave some good stories that I missed and tell me how much you miss me! I will miss you all loads and can't wait to see you when I come back, that is, IF I come back. xoxo
as a compulsory overnight stay on Oz Experience, we get to spend a night at surf I was excited for this adventure..I have always wanted to learn how to surf and since this was inclu…
decided to give brisbane a miss as it was just another large city with not a whole lot to do and i wanted to gain an extra two days in coogee with my friends before going back home...arrived i…
after spending a mandatory night in rainbow beach (thank goodness it was only one night as there was NOTHING there), we were off to noosa. i did not know much about noosa except it was a nice…
Fraser Island. I had heard so many good things about this adventure mecca before we arrived. I chose to a guided tour in fear that i might get stuck yet again with a group that did not speak…
YAY I AM BACK IN SYDNEY!!!! as sad as I am to be through with travelling and leaving the legend known as Claire, i am ecstatic to see all my friends. I know that since I am back in Sydney, m…
Add pictures! You know I am traveling vicariously through you! Miss you, baby girl.....
Hi-ya...need to catch up with you really soon. I will try calling you again later. Things are great here..adjusting to "mommy-hood"...Hope all is well with you!! Miss you and love you lots!!
hey!! how's the new house? i miss talking to you!! hope you are enjoying the aussie life! i'm jealous that you are lying on the beach!! i busted out the winter coat today... uh! love you!!!
"but I think I have reached my tanning plateau before the peak of summer"......ummmmm yeah...lets not complain there Missy!!! ;) Im like freakin' casper and just had to pack away my summer clothes....sadness...I miss ya TONS and need to chat so we can catch up!!! Be careful and keep on keepin' on ps: ash and i had no luck winning the 15 gs......booooooooo.....
Amanda Whitney
Do you want your job back yet?! Boy, things don't really change as much as we think they do...
Sounds like you are fitting in nicely down under. The pics are great! This travel blog is a terrific idea. Can't wait to read more. Miss you!
Elisabeth Anders
I'm very envious of your adventure. It's so awesome that you're able to go this. I'll keep you in mind when I'm sitting in my windowless office at work.
beavalicious....I am envious of you! Can't wait to see more pictures, definitely glad you made it ok and I miss you lots! Definitely will keep you posted on all the hot topics in this great town...yeah...have fun and hope to hear from you soon. Love ya!
Tommyboy hoolz
Hi.. glad to hear from you.. such a great idea with the whole travelers journal thing.. great way to keep in touch.. Well it looks like things are good down there.. best of luck with job hunting and finding your own place. Johnna and I miss You!!
Kerry Kraft
Hi Lindsay! Looks like you are having a great looking at your photos. Makes me miss it and wish I was still there! If you are still having trouble finding work, call Afrika and Louise they might be able to help you find is worth a try. Make sure you go to Bondi Icebergs, one of my favorites. Also, check out the Slip Inn, on the corner of King and Sussex St, Brian and I were there a couple times a week we lived around the bar and good Thai food. We also loved King St Wharf, you should check out La Cita, nice spanish place, and you can learn how to salsa dance...lots of fun! Bungalow 8 is pretty cool too, a little trendy...but fun. I will probably keep coming up with place that I want you to try and check out. Keep having fun and keep the photos coming...I love it!!!
melody brazil
hiya!!! sooo glad that you made it safe and sound!!! i bet you are having an amazing time and are seeing things that us folks in the u.s. only wish we could say we had seen. we miss you and you ARE coming back and moving to charlotte...remember?!?!? please keep us posted with your journeys and stay safe...lots of love from the stateside!!!------