First full day on board the Caribbean Princess.
Just a quick blog to describe the highlights of our first full day on board the ship. David and I think that Gary and Barbara were blown away by just how large the ship is! Our cabins are next door to one another on the aft with adjoining balconies. The room steward, Piotre, has opened the dividing door so that we have one large balcony where we can all sit.The next three days are at sea and this gives us a fantastic opportunity to help the olds see just how much there is to do on board. So far we have attended three trivia....(the last one we walked out of because the host was rubbish and kept wandering around looking at people's answers then telling them how close they were to being right!) Shockingly, we have not won a trivia yet!! We came close on the first one though.Barbara, so far, is finding the sea movement no problems at all. We have just about passed through the Bay of Biscay which is notoriously rough but, for us, it has been calm with seas described as smooth to moderate. Perfect! I think she has just about found her sea legs now. :-)
There are a LOT of kids on this cruise. We suspected there would be....anything leaving from Southampton in the school holidays stands a chance I suppose! So far,no real issues with any of them. I managed to con two lads in the warm bubble spa by telling them that, in the enclosed kids area, they had a spa there JUST for children to use. They shot off in a flash to go and find it. The directions I gave them would have kept them busy for hours. :-)
For Carolyn and David.....Crooners bar is a practical no go at any time of the day!!
Continuously packed out and that includes the table seats. Annoyingly, most of those sitting there are not drinking martinis....they are sleeping or reading!!! We found a good time to sneak up there though,....just after 8pm when everyone goes for the second sitting evening meal. The crooners bartenders this time are a girl from the Ukraine called Val. (She knows Inna well!) and a lad from Macedonia called Robert. Both really really good but then, they always are good at Crooners.
Gary found the gym this morning and was happy as Larry working out on his own up there whilst David and I played basketball (I won) and Barbara stayed in the cabin and chill-axed. Gary told all of us when he returned that, when in the gym, he had seen dolphins and that everyone in the gym was pressed against the window looking at them. Barbara said "what?? were the dolphins on the exercise bikes or something?" bless her LOL.
I think we can rest happy that both Barbara and Gary love the choice of food on board. We have, so far, dined at the buffet restaurant because the choice is so good and you can, should you wish, choose to eat healthily. Gary is now resting in his room having devoured a plate of what looked like raw vegetables! Barbara is finding it hard to resist the temptation of all the lovely cakes and pasties. mmmmmmzzz.
Tomorrow is Gary's birthday and our first formal night too. I am looking forward to putting my dress on green crocs with it this time! I have proper girl type shoes! wooooot.
Gary and Barbara have both got into the spirit of trying the Martinis on board and, I think, are having a really good time. We all are. It seems to us that some of the drinking places are more packed this time round but today the weather was a little drizzly out so that makes people come indoors too. The weather is already improving the closer we get to the med. Looking out of the balcony now I see blue skies and a few clouds. Tomorrow should be a cracking good day.
We are making Barbara walk up and down the stairs on board the ship rather than using lifts. Most of her complaints centre around her legs being shorter than ours but still, she is doing it! We have just heard the second test result....firstly oh my goodness how rubbish is that.... and secondly, we are gutted for Caz and David because they only had day five tickets for Lords. Genuinely gutted for you guys. :-(
That is probably enough for today.....we are in the Atlantic Ocean now heading towards the Med going around Spain and then through the Pillars of Hercules. I will update again tomorrow after our second full day at sea. Love to all.
Oh wait!!! Little Little wanted me to say something.
She is having a very good time and she wanted to point out that she is a famous superstar. Our room steward, Piotr, watched us leaving earlier and then, when we were a few feet down the corridor, he called out to us and said:-
"oh wait! i wanted to say something.....that little little....she is cool!!!"
well of course she is!
ttfn xxxx
- comments
Christine Sounds great and glad Gary and Barbara are enjoying themselves . Message for Little Little . Little B has been scuba diving and will send pics shortly