JJ's Big Adventure
This is a case where pictures just don't do justice to the real thing. The van was of course way, way over-packed, and the journey took longer than the scheduled five hours. As an added bonus, we even broke down along the way. The view however was amazing.
All things considered, the road was pretty darn good. I say all things considered because it was one winding mountain turn after another coupled with occasional land slides (mostly mud but sometimes rocks). While a drag on the kilometers per hour calculations, the mountains provided some amazing views. Imagine driving through the clouds most of the day while looking out into green fields and more mountainsides. It was pretty darn cool.
The pictures that are not of random landscape are of local villages that we passed through the whole way through. It was the same scene over and over again. Bamboo shacks on the side of a cliff, a stream or a community fountain nearby, chickens, pigs, dogs, kids, and a dozen or so people on the side of the road all selling the same produce from their fields. While the poverty was striking, there was still something beautiful about each and every village that we went through.
My only regrets are not getting my camera out earlier in the trip that day as well as not emailing Mijo for directions on how to use my camera sooner. To clarify, I am an idiot when it comes to techie stuff so I did not know how to change the settings on my camera to compensate for the movement of the car. As a result, nine out of ten pictures had to be deleted due to that fact that they were either one big blur or I missed my target all together. Anyway, now that I know how to use my camera get ready for tons more pictures. You only have Mijo to blame!
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