I have been in Egypt for almost a week now. It is also nice, but the people are back to the same old game of "screw the tourist". It's nothing compared to other places, but you have to be on your toes. I mention that I am in Egypt because the pictures that you see posted now will be the only ones available. My Nikon S3 is broken yet again. Unlike the last time it happened when I was in Nepal, there is zero chance of getting it fixed here as Egypt is not exactly the center for digital technology. Come on Tel Aviv! Please take me out of the 1980's and into 2006!!
I start my group tour tonight. Over the next two weeks I will see some pyramids, float down the Nile, and hike Mt Sinai. All without having to do any thinking or haggling with locals over prices. It will be a nice change.
I hope that you are all well and thanks for the notes. Jason
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