I've now been at Blue Lagoon Beach Resort for 4 days already. Time flies !! Besides the fact that we didn't have air conditionning for 2 nights and therefore couldn't sleep (and the management has been ridiculous about the situation....anyway), I've had a great time so far.
I arrived on thursday and the first place I went to, after checking out my dorm, was obviously the dive shop. I signed up for a dive the next day.
In the evening, a guy from the staff started talking to me as the gues!s did some stupid resort dancing and stuff. The guy in question was...a diving instructor. So we got to talk a lot and I asked him over diner if he got to go night diving. That's how we planned to go the next day.
I did my first dive in the morning and as usual I got cold quickly, even with a 2,5 mm wetsuit and a 3 mm shorty on top but the dive was ok. Not amazing, just ok. A russian guy was a total muppet under the water and another one had problems equalizing so it took us a while to start the dive.
The same night we did our night dive. I've done plenty before but every time is simply brilliant. We saw so many cool stuff life a curious barracuda on his own, hovering close to us as we passed it, a kind of lobster Ihad never seen before, really funny one, an ornated crab (my very first one I think) and as usual I took time to turn the light against me and hover there, eyes closed. The best feeling EVER !! Liam, a Kiwi guy was doing this dive as part as his Advanced OW Diver Course and loved it so much that it took him a while to get his smile off his face. On saturday a big day's waiting for me as I'm going bull shark diving !!
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