At the time I'm writing these lines I'm on MV Cougar, heading to the Yasawas. Last night I stayed at Bamboo backpacker upon suggestion of the staff from Maravu. I love these guys but gosh the hostel was just horrible ! Dirty, beds not comfy and I only was there for 10 hours ! I know it was very cheap (5€) and you can't ask much for this price but this place reaches the bottom ! I'm probably going to look for a different place for my last night in Fiji. And the reservation didn't go through when the staff at Maravu did it so I didn't get a free pick up and have been ripped off by a taxi which ended up dearer than the night at the hostel. Bad experience but luckily short !
So, on the ferry I am. The islands along the way are really nice yet all different from one another ! If it wasn't for the french couple arguing next to me over a stupid reason (I sooo love being single !!) I'd enjoy my ride even more. But it's fun !
It's a 4h30 ride to Nacula. This island is famous for they filmed the movie "Blue Lagoon" there. I let you have a look at the movie and imagine me there :)
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