Position: 29 51.98'S 031 01.68'E
We made it to Durban!
After studying the weather files, the departure time from Richards Bay was advanced by 3 hours to avoid a strong headwind that was predicted after 15h sailing. At 3pm (local time) Atlantis set of for her maiden trip. The exit of the channel was a bit "bumpy" due to headwind and strong swell...but this could not stop us to get on our calculated track. Richards Bay port control lost our authorisation documents and we were put on hold. Helen had to call the club to send the documents again. We used the time to hoist the mainsail, which was done in no time by our 2 extra crew members David and Kagiso. To make the trip more enjoyable for the crew we decided to set one reef.
During the whole night we had a nice wind (N - NE) alternating between 17 and 25 kts. We were sailing much faster than predicted with SOG (speed over ground) up to this speed we would reach Durban during night time and we wanted to enter the harbour at daylight to spot the best anchorage. Mother nature was kind to us and dropped the wind to a gentle 5kts 20nm from Durban, allowing Atlantis to rest and reduce her speed. After 12 hours of sailing we reached the outer limit of the port and just drifted in on the current. At 4h50 and 14 hours of sailing the sun gave us a beautiful view of the harbour and our first voyage came to an end. Atlantis and crew were tired but happy to have reached the first target of what will be a long adventure.
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