Had a lie in whilst our guts recovered a little, then at 11.00 reception called us to say check out was at 12, an hour away!! Had to get the receptionist to fix the shower to get hot water, was a bit strange! Walked to the train station through some military procession, it turned out to be a festival celebrating the military. Was strange seeing them parading in live weapons, a couple a bazookas too! Bought our tickets but had a 3 hour wait so Joel decided he wanted to walk to some Swedish bar, wasn't really a walk more of an uphill hike in the sun. Would have helped too if he could read a map, got us lost and couldn't find the place, obviously never got his map reading badge at scouts. Just went to the supermarket to get some supplies and wait for the train. The train was ok, plenty of legroom and wasn't too loud, had a decent banos!! Took us 7 hours to get there and then a bit of a commotion to get out bags, old Europeans can't queue! Had a bit of a disagreement with this old German who was trying to push in, I put her in her place! Checked into a hotel and had a decent sleep and hot shower, had window though in the door so could see Laurie sit down banos. Next day looked for a decent salt flats tour group and eventually found one called ' quencha' the driver spoke English and sounded a decent tour group. Chilled out for the rest of the day, not a lot to do in this town was small and boring (Uryani).
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