in the nicest words possible, sunrise was a dump. the food was sick, one day we were served rice, just rice, with a small slice of watermelon? the place was ran by a fijian queen who i took an istant disliking to. the bedbugs in my bed got into my bag so everything had to be taken out etc and i could not be arsed. id rather not talk about this island coz it was sooo crap, and what put the cherry on the cake was that the big boat was an hour and a half late and the locals couldnt be bothered to use their radio to find out what was going on. we were stuck on the fishing boat with no roof in a storm, i was not a happy bunny. our mexican friend miguel jumped in the sea coz it was warmer but we didnt want to coz jonny got stung by a jellyfish the day before.
we did however go on a cave trip which was class. you had to swim underwater for 3seconds under rock to get into the second chamber and that was spooky. it was pitch black and the water was cold and really deep. you could only see what was there when jonny took pics with the flash on his camera. aparently theres a big eel that lives there but i didnt see it, luckily, the locals found it so i swam away! if you kill the eel or eat it then you die because it is a god apparently.
im pleased i didnt know that an irish man drowned there a few months ago or i would have had second thoughts. each chamber represents each head of a fijian god whos resting place it is - along with ten human heads, which lukily i didnt see. fijians like to drum it into you that they were canibals! they has thier skull crushers and flesh forks out and everything!
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