Around the world with Annie
Hi there,
I have now returned to Vancouver after travelling for 4 days from Japser on the Moose Bus. We stayed for one night at Banff, Revelstoke and Kelowa.
Japer to Banff. (Day one)
After staying at the Widerness Hostel, (the one with no water), we headed towards Banff. I enjoyed staying at the hostel. I slept well in the cabin. I was sharing it with 16 other people. Thankfully there were no snorers next to me. It did smell a bit funky in the morning. (BO and smelling socks. Nice...) In our group we had Swiss, French, Aussies, Brits, Japenesse and Korien. Our first stop was at the Horseshoe Lake. It had crystal clear deep water, great for swimming and diving, but not at 8am in the morning when its still cold.... We visited Athabasca Falls, the day was warming up and the skies were clear blue. I enjoyed looking at the rainbows created by the mist/spray from the falls. We then stopped off at Stutfield Glacier and Parker Ridge. At Parker Ridge we took a small hike to enjoy the views of the Saskatchewen Glacier. The mountain ranges were impressive. After the hike we visited the weeping wall, Peyto Lake and Moraine Lakes. These two lakes are perhaps the most photographed lakes Canada. The water really is a brilliant, vibriant blue. No photo tricks are needed. I also bumped into Matumi at Moraine Lake. We then went onto Banff and stayed at the 'Samesun' hostel.
Banff-Revelstoke. (Day two)
8am departure. A good start to the day. We saw a male elk with huge anklers. We travelled to Johnston Falls and Takakkaw Falls today. Takakkaw Falls means 'It is magnificent' in Cree. The falls are 254m high. One of the highest in Canada. We stayed in Revelstoke and had a group meal which cost $5. (Two pound fifty). The pasta was good, lots of it too. I went to bed early, 9.30pm
Revelstoke to Kelowna. Day three
Thank god the bus had air con. The bus journeys are long. Today, we stopped off at the Dutchman Dairy, I bought some very nice ice-cream. I also met some cows, calfs, horses, a camel, a larma and chickens. We stopped off at Okanagan Lake for lunch. I dipped my feet in the lake and sat on a willow branch which rested just above the water. . It was peacefull. We then visited a vinyard for winetasting. I prefered the white wine which is unusual for me as I'm sure you all know, red wine is one of my many vices!
We had a Mexican night at the hostel that evening and some Tequila was had by all. We played a game, where you were blinded-folded and spun around. After being spun around, you were handed a stick to hit a carboard guitar with prizes inside. Guess who smashed it? Yes it was me..... Handing me sticks and instructing me to hit things whilst being blindfolded, is a dangerous actvity.
Kelowna to Vancouver. (Day 4)
We travelled over 400 km today. We stopped off at the Silver rail route, just outside Hope. The track was built in the early 1900's for the silver to be transported. It was very expensive to build, one mile cost $300,000. Tunnels were cut off through the rock. Today it is a tourist attraction and a good trail to walk along. Later on in the afternoon, a few members of the group went skydiving. I decided against it. I'm saving my money and I will contemplate doing something like that in New-Zealand.
My current travelling friends are Swiss. They are called Lawrence and Stephan. We went out to the cinma last night and walked around the city.
Well, thats it for now. If you don't hear from me for a few days, don't worry. I'm either having a great time or I'm travelling and its difficult to have access to quality internet cafes. The ones in the hostels are not the greatest and rip you off.
Take care for now.
Lots of Love Annie. xxxx
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