Got up at 11.30 , dragged Michael out of bed and got ready. Went for breakfast in China Town, all the food places here are so cute! Everything here is beautiful though, all the buildings are amazing!
We walked to the History and Ethnography Complex Museum. It cost 10 ringgit to get in and when I asked the woman of I could get a refund if I didn't like it she didn't seem impressed!
The museum was hot, boring and full of other people that looked hot and bored. I started playing the film 'The Notebook' in my head while walking around!
The museum building is actually called The Stadthuys which is Dutch for 'town hall'. It was the governors residence as well as an administrative centre and town hall. Inside there used to be a first house, a pool, courtyards, servants quarters, detached bakery, warehouses, stables and even a prison.
The only interesting part of the museum was the British room where it told you how and why Britain owned Melaka. I can't remember any of it so it can't have been that interesting, all I remember was feeling embarrassed to be British. As always!
Christ Church is next door to the Stadthuys. It was built in 1741 to commemorate the Dutch ruling Melaka for a century. The church took 12 years to complete. There was two old ladies working in the church an the old words they spoke were 'no pictures' she reminded me of Edna Mole from the film The Incedibles though!
Got Cendol in a take away cup after this, I know it's strange but it's actually nice and they give you a massive straw so the kidney beans, sweet corn and Cendol can fit through!
Jonker street is next to the street we stay in, I think its the most popular street in Melaka! It's full of food stall restaurants, restaurants, trinket shops and antique shops! There is endless food choices and everyone we have met in Malaysia said to try as much as you can in Melaka! Apparently the weekend is the time to as its Jonker Street night market that has more shops, food, entertainment and people so we are staying till the weekend!
There is courses here to teach you how to make soap on string or different shapes and ones that teach making boxes full of chocolate and fillings! We might do one of them, they are 25 ringgit (£5) each.
Chilled then went with Michael to have tea, had Portuguese fish with ginger and onions! Lush!
Got ready and we walked to the Sound and Light show in the heritage part of the town to meet Kelly and Lee who we know from Cameron Highlands in Malaysia!
Got there early and they said it had closed and there would be another show tomorrow even though we were on time and he was sat in the ticket office hut outside.
So we all walked to Jonker Street for a drink, on the way a street seller stopped so I asked him why it was shut and he said he had been shut for 4 years and was opening again in November! Fabulous! All the signs, maps and guide books say to go!
Went for a tower of beer near Jonker Street, it's cheaper to get a tower then separate drinks! There is this song that's been played constantly at the moment called Super cam dan style by PSY! It's crazy and when it comes on everyone does the dance! It came on and the whole street stood up and did it as if it was the right thing to do! Loved it! Boys break dancing and everything!
Met this older couple from Scotland and Ireland. They were chavs. They kept talking to us like we were stupid and didn't know what we were doing even though they were only on holiday! Please vacate away from my sight!
It started chucking it down, monsoon style so we grabbed plastic bags to put our phones in and speed walked all the way home. You can run in this as the water gets deep and the tiled floors get slippery. Got back and Michael stayed outside while I went to the room! I fell flat on my face walking through the tiled area of the house, it really hurt but stood up and ran to the room, thank god no one saw!!! Michael walked into the room later, took one look at my bleeding elbow, burst out laughing, took a photo, took the mick then asked if I was ok! Fabulous!
Of course it was the end of my life! Michael described the cut as 'small' but he is delusional! It was 3 meters deep! My arm was nearly falling off, we had to ring an ambulance and I had to be helicoptered to the nearest amputee hospital! Maybe this is a slight exsaduration! I couldn't find my first aid kit! Havnt needed it once but mum forced me to bring it! It's that small it could be anywhere! Found it, considered puting my arm in a bandage an sling but Michael said the smallest plaster would be fine. It was.
Skyped mum and told her I was in hospital! Hahaha! She wasn't impressed! She said she doesn't know how Michael puts up with me! Please!!!
Skyped Sam and showed him my injury as well! He is a funny one! Maybe I did milk it! Imagine what I would be like if I broke my arm! World war 3 would start!! After the drama that was my arm, finally got to sleep at 2.
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