Our alarm was set for 7, woke all the boys up, got ready, said goodbye to Andi's family and got in the pre booked taxi at 7.30 to the train station.
To get train tickets here you need to show your passport when buying it and on inspection before entering the station. We bought tickets from Pureokerto to Jakarta which is the capital city of Indonesia for 160000 Rupiah (£10) each for the 6 hour journey. But pricey but not to bad!
Said goodbye to Alex as he was going back to Jogjakarta instead of coming to Jakarta with me, Michael and Andi. The train is advertised at coming at 8.05 but when you have bought a ticket they tell you its 8.45 so we waited with an hour with an iced tea.
Boarded the train and it was empty so we spread across three double seats. The seats on the train are strange, the back of them moves so you can make your sofa seat face backwards or forwards. It's a good idea!
6 hours on a train seems a lot but it's not as we are used to it now. I would love to count up how much time we spend actually travelling, whether is be taxi, tuktuk, motorbike, bus, train, boat or plane!
At most stops, small children would beg for money from outside the carriage. As we were the only western people on the train and probably the only western people these children had ever seen they either ran away or begged more. It's heart breaking watching the kids climb under the train to beg at the other side while another train speeds past ours.
Also at most stops about 50 people get on and walk through the carriage selling everything under the sun including, hot meals, hot and cold drinks, toys, fans, flowers, durian, fruit, bread, sweets, cans and buffet meals in there head. We dust want to buy anything while they were in the train as everyone would swarm and get jealous. So web they left I shouted 'Darl' and the lady threw up to rice and vegetable meals to the window which cost about 50p then I got us to orange juices! I love doing stuff like this!
The workers on the train don't really do much work at all. I suppose they work long shifts though but the cleaners and security guards kept coming to our carriage to fall asleep, eat or socialise!
The train was really hot! The windows were open but it didn't help. There is a choice of three trains, air con, fan or local. Andi said we should get fan as aircon is to cold and local is dangerous.
We saw a local train when we arrived at the station at 2.30, it was insane! Most of the doors were not even use able as they were crammed with stuff for sale! Not like a pile in the floor, like to the top of the train so you cant see to the other side! Everyone was stood up and there was not room to move so Andi was right not to get it!
Got tree different buses that took an hour all together and for three tickets cost 10000 Rupiah (£64p)! Crazy! There was a stupid man who thought it was ok to annoy me! In stood here, clinging into one strand of string to keep me balanced with 20kg bag on my back and 6kg bag on my front! If his sweaty, bald patch, mid life crises head touches me again, heads will role!
Arrived and walked 30 minutes in the boiling hot sun to find a guest house! No idea where we checked into! It cost 130000 Rupiah (£8.50) for a double room though.
It felt so good to shower, in Asia it's sticky hot all the time but when you have been travelling and it's hot, packed and dirty it makes you feel horrible!
Me and Michael walked to the Internet cafe to print out flight tickets and try to book a train from London to Hull! Internet cost 6000 Rupiah (£0.40p) per hour.
Later, me, Michael and Andi went to get a local speciality which is called Nasi Uduk! It's rice cooked in coconut milk and I had it with fish! A cat kept climbing on my though! We are used I it as we always eat at outside stalls but that car didn't ever give up!!
People came up to us playing guitars or dressed up as dragons just to earn money! They give an envelope to every table then collect them in after a minutes.
Got a 45 minute taxi to Morrow shopping centre and Andi told us story's of when he used to live here! He was living at the top of a big building of flats when there was a 15 minute earth quake! I would love to experience an earth quake!
Got to the shopping mall at 8 and it closed at 9! So we had a quick walk around then got a drink so we could use the wifi! My life is worthless without it then got a taxi home!
I'm not being funny but I havnt been to the toilet in 5 actual days! Bloated is not the word!! Have never been this bad!!
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