Just read your last blog and desacribe everything brilliantly - sounds like you are having a great time...with a few interesting experiences along the way that just add colour hahaha
Singapore will be fab - lots of retail therapy there if you are after some - and make sure you have a Singapore Sling in Raffles for me!!! I hear they are a tad expensive so maybe just the one! ;0)
Everything is ok here - same old same old...boring boring. Keep sending the updates so I can live some sunshine through you haha
Have Fun
hey hun! Hope you are having brill time!! So jealous! Its freezing again here!
Can you let me know your mobile again pls im not sure i saved it properly!!
Ooooo bed bugs. now that brings back memories! told you the 100% DEET would come in handy!!! hehe Glad your having a good time girlie! Blog makes for wicked monday morning reading! Have fun! don't forget the Singapore Slings in Raffels!!! xxxxx
Nicola Vogel
oi oi Wicks!!
loving the blogs, sounds interesting! haha.. glad your having a good time. take care honey. Miss ya xx
Hi Anna. Love the blogs. Keep them coming. Sounds like you are having an exciting adventure. Am jealous. Enjoy every minute of it 'coz everything is just grim here in the UK. Miss you. Love, Susan x
Aunty B*****
Thanks for text anna - takes too long for me to text - great you are having such a wonderful time. Take care of yourself & remember what I said Lots of love aunty b***** & uncle perfect
Aunty B*****
Thanks for text anna - takes too long for me to text - great you are having such a wonderful time. Take care of yourself & remember what I said Lots of love aunty b***** & uncle perfect
Wow loving the pics, looks like you having a good time. Happy new year hun xxx
Dont enjoy urself too much or you might not come back. Thanks for your texts too xx keep in touch xx
Dad, Bev And Robo
Hi Anna, Just read your Blog photo's look good. Carry on having a great time be careful out there! Can you send us some sun? Ha Ha. Bye for now XXX
Hi just been looking at your piccies with the girls there was great excitement. They loved the ones with the glow glasses! We were all abit jealous of the beaches and the lovely looking accomodation I guess that was the posh end and I console myself that you might have had to rough it a bit since. Sending you a card tomorow to Oz so hope you get it. Look forward to next ot your next message love Karen, colin and girls xx