Just been in fits of giggles reading your blog - sounds like you are having an amazing time! Stay away from those sharks!
Missing you loads it's very quiet round here without you!
Gina x
Hi babe,
Hope you are well!! Met your mate Tara today in Lloyds! Can't believe i did not put 2 + 2 together from your pics! lol! what a dum dum!
Hope your having a good time! missing you ! xxx
Hia Wicks,
It sounds like you're having some good adventures - just remember all those bugs are more likely to be scared of you! Ha ha.
Am on half term hol at the moment, have got lots of college work to keep me busy but some nights out planned too so not all bad!
Have a great time in Sydney & take care!
Lots of Love
Ropes xxxx
Hi Anna,
You have gone very quiet! Hope your silence is because you are havong loads of fun.
Susan x
Hi Babe,
How are you? Hope your safe! Missing you.. as i sit here eating milk bottels!! YUMMY!!!! Your also be glad to hear i havent had anything wrong with me for at least 4 weeks! lol!! You look like your enjoying yourself!! xxxxxx mwah xxxx
I've lost your mobile number!
please text.
hope you are ok-- how far away are the fires from where you are staying?
Love Dad
hey beautiful hope ur avin fun and r safe so jelous wanna b there with u avin fun and sun instead of snow lol i miss my crazy essex girl and our random chats take care love ya babe
Seen the latest snaps - as usual they are absolutely great! Imagine a fish massage-wow!! Hope you are enjoying in OZ & are well away from the bush fires raging there. LOL.Pooja
Johnny B
Hope you are enjoying the Land Down Under, it feels like you have been away for a long time now . Work is never ending a perpetual production line of insurance! You should feel very lucky you are not involved with the renewals this April as it will be very busy this year.
I'm looking forward to an update to your blog, are you enjoying the heat in OZ, the tan must be impressive .
Take care,
Hi Wicks,
I thought backpacking was suppose to be all about roughing not living it up at Raffles? I'm not sure you've got the right idea yet.
Also what happened to going eau naturale? Is it possible you relented and used the straighners?
Not sure if you've heard but we're all buried under a mountain of snow. Its so bad they even closed the office, just my luck that I had the day booked off anyway! I suppose snow is the last thing on your mind though.
Look forward to seeing the next blog
Lots of Love
Hi Anna,
How are you doing sweety? Just at your mums at the moment we have been to see Karen, Deborah and the girls. I was telling Lucy about your photo of the koala!! I will send you an email on your normal address but your mum very kindly showed me how to use your blog page- such a blonde eh!!! Missing you lots. take care hun lots love becca xxx
Looks like you are having fun. What are a few bugs when you can eat cornflakes out of a bucket. would have liked to see a photo of that.