Hi Anna! Read ur blog & saw the photos today,loved them!! Wish i could join you & njoy a few Wodkas there with u!!! Glad 2 know u've been having loads of fun!! Keep us posted here, will try not to turn a darker shade of green!!
Johnny B
Anna, it was a strange day at work today without you. Well lunch had finished and there are loads of Sales on but the bag lady was nowhere to be seen!! No wonder there are so many shops struggling at the moment, you've gone off travelling. Hope you are managing without me
Hi Anna. Just read your blog and seen you photos. Glad you have met up with your friend. You appear to be soaking up the local booze as opposed to the local culture. Have a great time and look forward to your updates. Take care and miss seeing you at the gym.
PS. Have to say I think your hair looks great natural.
Hi Hunni, Happy New Year!! Oh my god sounds like yours was amazing, just seen your pictures as well, you must be having such a fab time, my new years eve was quiet, just out with Jo, Rob, Andy and the others, just out locally so nothing exciting. Miss you so so much, but glad your having a nice time, you'll be homesick for a while, but you'll soon get used to it....say hi to Vicki for me and big hugs to you both xxxx Love ya xxx
Happy New Year! The office is different without you and its freezing in London, it snowed last night. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself, not a worry in the world! Make the most of it dude!
Look forward to your next blog. Take care and best wishes. Pritesh.
Enjoy the warm weather hun!! We have snow here! xx
Erika Wade
Hi Anna this blog thing is great - sounds like things were a bit hairy there for a while - you will be fine now you have met up with your mate. Wait to hear your next blog - enjoy yourself!!!
Hi Anna!
Happy New Year! Have just been in stitches reading your blog, I can't believe that you have managed to have so many scrapes already (& that you have only used your straightners once!!!)
Looking forward to your next blog entry hun, take care xxx
Gerry Loveday
Hello Anna,
happy New Year. Hope you are enjoying your journey. Sounds like an exciting time even tho scary at times but good for you for exploring the world. sppeak to you soon love and hugs Gerry xxxxxx
hey wicks im in fits of laughter ere afta readin ur blog sounds eventfull already but u sound happy which is all gud.......lovin the class act of pissin in the sea lol but needs must lol well hope ur smilin babe spk soon love ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey all, thanks for you messages. Missing you all but having a fab time just wish the weather wasnt so rubbish.
Hi Anna,
Happy New Year, would love to hear what youve been upto and how you saw the New Year in...Been out buying bits and pieces for the bump in the sales and have felt it kicking yesterday for the first time which was a bit wierd...take care write soon