Missing you already & you only left yesterday & seeing you friday but just wanted to say have a lovely time & have lots of fun!
Just wanted to wish you luck - will keep watching to see how your travels are going
Good Luck, Anna - have loads of fun - give Vikki a big hug - we may meet up in Thailand but think ur gonna be in different places to us. Still you never know. lots of luv xxxx
Hello sweetie. Wanted to say Good Luck and have fun. I am going to miss you millions and can't wait to start reading your blog. You behave on your travels Wicks and keep safe. Love ya loads xx
Hiya! Just dropping a quick message to say Good Luck along your travels Wicks and keep posting them pics as im eager to see them ok. Ill be posting more in the near future but for now, lets PARTY @ Prohibition on Friday in true style! Love ya Wicks x
Hello!! I decided I wanted to be the first to write on your blog! I'm missing you already and you're only sitting behind me! lol! (You just finished your DAMP form, although you will probably get it back with mistakes on it- haha!!) Not quite sure how I am going to get through the days without you being here! Will have no one to be silly with, get high on apple-tizer and eat milk bottles with, oh and complain to about all my illnesses - even thou you show no sympathy! !! Anyways promise I will write to you on a regular basis (and don't roll your eyes at the thought of that missy)!! Anyway much love!! Watch out for them BIG spiders and nasty flying insects!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx