Anish's Travels
Day 34,35,36 (13/04 - 15/04)
Arrived in SaPa at about 6 am. Its a very small town, can walk around the area in about 15 mins. Everything is close together. As soon as we got of the bus, we were mobed by guesthouse touts, asking us to go to their guesthouse. Eventually picked one, had a look, and chose it, only 2 dollars for the night.
First day we rented some motor bikes, and rode up to the waterfall. Nothing special. We also booked a tour for the next day, to visit some tribe villages. However, the next day, it was puring down with rain, like downpouring constatanly from early morning till early afternoon, with thunder and lightning. So we cancelled it, and they still charged us a cancellation fee. The tour was still gonna take place, but you gotta gotta be a mad man/woman to be working up hills when its been raining they way it was. There was literally a river flowing down the side of the street. We couldnt even cross it to get to the other side of the street. I wish i could have taken photos, but id rather have a working camera for the rest of my trip. Yes, it was still raining at that time,i we got drenched. I was quite disappointed that we had to cancel, but i cant control nature. And i couldnt stay a day longer because i had a train ticket to go back to Hanoi that same day. The plan was to do the tour, then get the night train to Hanoi in the evening. So we justed wasted the day away playing cards and reading, and then got the night train back.
And the mist/fog was just crazy. 've never seen anything like it. Literally, only a max of 20m visibility, most of the time it was less. And to get to the station, its a 40 min drive down the mountain to a town called Lou Cai, on the
Vietnam-China border. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole drive. Basically, we were driving down windy and wet mountain roads in thick mist; the driver could barely see.
The scenerey from the bus was amazing though. Once we were lower down, the mist had thinned, and you could see into the valley. Rice terraces were filled with water, and you could see the mist rising from the valley. And the river was fast flowing through the valley. It was beautiful. Have no pictures though :( Have hardly any pictures of vietnam. (Rice terraces look like big steps, going up the moutains. Each step has a lip, so they fill with water)
Anyways, off to Hue in central vietnam tomorrow.Another night train journey.
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