Anish's Travels
Day 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 (8\05 - 16/05)
Ok, this will be a quick summary of the last week, with the higlight being me falling off and crashing a motorbike, but i will get to that shortly.
Arrived at Kha Sok National Park, on the 8th, after another long bus journey. Stayed in a bamboo hut. Was very quiet in the area, because its low season now, because its rainy season. And it rained everyday we were there. Second day there we (Me and Canada) went hiking on the national park. Walked for a about 5km, and stopped for lunch at the river. As were about to leave, i notice a large blood stain on my trousers by my knees. Yes, a leech had been feeding. Wasnt there anymore, they fall off after they are full. A guide was also in the same area, who noticed, and was the one that told me it was a leach, and he put tobacco where the leach was to soak the blood up. He said it must have been on me for atleast 20 minutes. The two holes the leech leave, where its teeth sink into you, do not stop bleeding beacuse its leave an anti coagullant (or however its spelt) in you, so the wound doesnt clot. I search the rest of me, and find that another one had been feeding on my ankle. After that excitement, we were supposed to hike another 3km, to a waterfall (which we were told, buy another guy we met, wasnt very impressive beacuse of the low water levels), but a lot of rain clouds were forming, so we decided to trek back down, and it did start raining, so got nice and wet.
Next day (10th) we left for Ko Pha ngan. We basically just came here for the full moon party on the 13th. We stayed at a rather nice beach bungalow. Beach was pretty much on our doorstep. on the 11th, we met up with Heren and Tom (another Canadian we met trekking in Chaing Mai, and who travelled with us through Thailand, and who Heren met up with in Malaysia), and they got accommodation at the same place as us. The beach wasnt great and to quote Heren "The beach has been raped by farang". Havent done much here aprt from relax and play some football with Heren and some Thai kids. On the 12th i crashed my bike 5 seconds after renting it. I accelerated too fast out the parking bay, (didnt realise how sensitive it was) tryed to turn to face the road, ending up just skidding and falling and crashing. Have a nice deep cut on my arm, and had to pay 120 pound in damages to the bike. Oh well, s*** happenes, deal with it and move on. (excuse the language). Here i must thank Heren for Bandaging me up, and also thank his sister for supplying him with all that first aid stuff. And thanks to Len (Canada) for helping me put a new bandage on each day after. Seems like bike accicdent are pretty common on the island. I saw plenty of people with bandages and who looked in worse shape than me. Even saw a bike on fire on the side of the road.
Full moon party on the 13th. Just a big rave on the beach with thousand of people. Fell asleep on the beach at 7am by our hotel for a bit, whilst Heren fell asleep on the hammock. A short while later, got up and went to my room, to spew. Was fun, lol. Then fell asleep, and woke up bout 11.30am, and did absolutely nothing for the rest of the day (14th). Just relaxed and recovered.
15th Left for Krabbi,whilst Heren and Tom go to Ko Tao. and now im here , 2pm, on the tuesday 16th. Might be doing some tour tomorrow, whilst Len goes diving but havent decided yet.
In 2 or 3 days im off to Malaysia.
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