Tuesday 10th June, 2008 - Berwick & Scotland
Today is my last full day here at Berwick. Yesterday Joe brought a camera for Skype so we spent an hour talking to Mum & Dad. Jean was telling them how horrible I have been since I arrived. We headed north in the car today up to Scotland. It a bit disappointing to cross a country border and not to get the passport checked or stamped. The country side was the same as I expected. We stopped at Eyemouth 10 minutes into Scotland. It was great having Jean as she ended up being me tour guide explaining all the history of each place. Eyemouth back in 1881 had a huge storm and killed 129 fisherman out at sea and all almost every woman lost a husband, father or uncle in the disaster. In the marina we seen 3 wild seals that popped out if the water to say hello, or more to the point 'Give me some food'. I heard a few people talk and noticed the different in accents. I know that not that amazing but I found it hard to comprehend only being 10 minutes north of the border
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