27th Nov: I had a 6 hour bus journey to Agra that took a little longer than planned due to a flat tyre! However, it flew by because I listened to Bollwood music for the whole time and it's my new found love! Once in Agra Iwent to see the Taj Mahal. As it was late, I just went round the back to see it because you don't have to pay! It did look quite impressive, but the view was poor from where I was. Anyway, I went and had a wander round and a curry!
28th Nov: I got up at 6am and went to the Taj Mahal to see the sun rise this time. I paid and did the whole thing properly. You go in (after a strict search) and as you turn a corner you come in to full view and its amazing - well worth the hype and the 8 pound entrance fee!! I'm delighted to have seen the Taj and it is something you can just stand back and admire. I'd have liked to have taken more photos, but my batteries were going but I did take quite a few. I saw the sun rise and had a walk around I do think it looks better standing further back than too far up close and I stayed for quite a while. Later in the day, I went for a look at the Red Fort and from there you can get some good view as well. Agra does not have much and is full of sellers trying to sell general tat, but it has the Taj Mahal so that makes it well worth going.
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