A day too soon
So we got up, got our bags together and put them in the locker room and headed out the door for our last day in San Jose. We got some bits to eat in the airport as our plan was to spend the night there instead of booking another night at the hostel. It seemed sensible as we have to check in at 6.30am anyway and would have to hope there was a really early bus to get us there plus it saves us a few quid and its not like we havent done it before...!! We went back to the central market for another look round this lively, bustling place and also had a delicious coffee each before strolling back at about 2 before it started to rain. We had some lunch before venturing out and were lucky enough that although cloudy and threatening the rain held off and we made it to the bus station pretty much dry. The bus seemed to stop every 100yards or so and took forever to get to the airport but we weren't in any hurry so enjoyed looking at the scenery we passed and the people getting on and off. We arrived in the airport at about 4.30 and had a look round, there aren't a great many facilities, 2 souvenir shops and a small cafe but at least the wifi is good and free! After putting it off for about 3 hours I finally got round to starting to write the last weeks worth of blogs. To help remember what we'd done I decided to put a note for each day, this was where things got confusing, somehow we were missing a day and couldnt remember what happened on what day with which evening etc. Eventually, working backwards and checking the date on the internet we realised that we had messed up big was not the 3rd as we thought, which meant that tomorrow was not the 4th and therefore we were not flying at 10.30 the next morning and had arrived at the airport a day early!! DOH!!! We quickly looked online and found a cheap hostel in the nearby town of Alajuela, sheepishly took our bags and left the airport. After an extortionate taxi ride where the git charged us $10 because he got lost, we got to the hostel which was obviously very new, but beautifully clean, quiet (we were the only ones there) and a short walk to local amenities. We quickly settled in, ate what we had bought for the airport and watched another movie off of netflix before going to sleep.
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