Central Market
We all had a bit of a lay in this morning, not getting up until after 9, we've had a busy few days but well worth it...we've seen so many things, learnt loads about Costa Rica and my Spanish has improved no end! After some traditional breakfast of eggs, red beans and rice we had a shower and packed our bags ready to go. Mau started Uni at 1 so after more chatting over coffee (so much better than the bitter crap you get in England) and saying goodbye to his mum, we left at about 12. We had to drop some cakes off at his Dad's work that his mum made the night before, part of a little business she runs, it is usual that each month a company will celebrate employees birthdays and eat cake...sounds good to me! So we got the chance to say farewell to Mau's dad before he dropped us off at the hostel, making sure we knew where to go for mosquito netting and even writing down what we needed to ask for before saying goodbye. We were sad to see him go as we had an amazing time with him and were made to feel so at home with his family...hopefully we can repay the favour one day! We checked into the hostel, getting the same room as before, then headed out to get the netting and have a look around the central market...very much like the covered market in Peterborough except slightly more haphazard and with lots of little places selling food to eat as well as numerous butchers, fishmongers and delicatessens. We eventually headed back to the hostel after buying ½ kilo of cheese (2 types) for $3, some bread and pate to make sandwiches for dinner and some cake things which were very scrummy. Back at the hostel we discovered a month's free trial for 'netflix', an internet movie store, on the computer meaning we could watch a film that evening. Andy decided on Monsters Inc as he thought that I should have seen it and we sat and ate dinner whilst watching it. After checking everything was ready for the next day we went to sleep.
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