On mid summers day we were glad to leave Perigeuex, the definite low point of our trip. Alan's face when we crossed the town boundary told me he was the happiest man alive. A typical cycling day then took place with twenty mile blasts interrupted by R&R breaks, an approximately 80 mile day powering through rural France. We are now confident of our campsite rendezvous on Monday.
We (Alan) found our hotel for the night, it ticks all the boxes for reasonable price, great location on the river Vienne and a bar for our very modest evening beer.
Alan has planned and navigated our route here with expert skills, like a red Indian tracker. I follow him constantly determined to keep up. I know the back of Alan, when cycling, better than I know my arm. It seems impossible that this cycle journey will ever end. AB
I must disagree with my companion on the keeping up issue. Andy didn't tell me he had been training like Rocky Balboa for the last 4 months, including burning out 3 exercise bikes. If I hadn't reigned him in over the first 3 days he would be home now and I would be gibbering in a Dordogne ditch. I just hope the arrival of Compo and Clegg on Monday will slow him up!
Anyway, Pericrud is a distant memory thankfully and spirits are high with 100 miles to go to Loire. Andy's legs are still pedalling under the table. I may get up at 4 tomorrow and get a head start.....and slash his tyres.
I have also been barred from buying cakes as I bought 2 Rhum Bhabas today for a mid morning snack. There must have been 4 shots of rum in each one . Blah!! Kept us smiling for 10 miles but I will leave the cake selections to others in future. APL
- comments
Liz Love this blog entry - made me laugh, lots :) Good that you are both in high spirits...maybe the rum?
rick bowden Andy seems like your training has paid dividends and good for that, enjoy the rest of it, cheers
Cath So funny trying to imagine Andy as rocky!!! Sounds like a great trip with lots of fun (and some not so fun) Keep going guys proud of you
Jon Whad'ya mean 'Compo and Clegg'????!!! PS baggsy being Clegg!